"What are you saying?" Malia asked Ben.

"I'm saying-" Ben started to say.

"It was love." Uma cut Ben off with a laugh. "It was. I just, I realized how alike Ben and I are."

"We are." Ben said as he gazed at Um.

"I know." Uma said with a laugh.

"You're so beautiful." Ben told Uma.

"Ben." Malia said but he ignored her. "Ben." He then turned to look at Malia along with Uma. "Did you go back for her?"

"He didn't have to." Uma told Malia. "I dove through the barrier before it closed and I'm an excellent swimmer."

"You are." Ben said with a laugh.

"Thank you." Uma said with a giggle. Uma looked at Malia's heartbroken expression and grabbed her hand causing Malia to let out a gasp of surprise. "Listen, Malia, I just really want to thank you. I do for everything." Uma grabbed Malia in a hug. "Thank you. Thank you so much." Uma said as she released Malia before stepping back to Ben.

"Don't you see, Malia, you were right." Ben told Malia. "You knew that we weren't meant to be together, that's why you never told me that you love me. Thank you." Ben grabbed Uma's hands as music started to play and they danced while Malia started to cry.

"Come on, Malia." Mal said softly as she led her sister over to their group of friends.

"Not too thrilled that I risked my life for him." Carlos said angrily from his spot in between Jane and Malia.

Lonnie walked over to stand behind Malia as they watched Uma and Ben dance.

"We're with you, Malia." Lonnie told Malia.

Jane ran up the stairs towards Lumiere as Jay went over to Malia.

"Let's get out of here." Jay told Malia softly.

"Okay." Malia whispered as Jay grabbed her hand and led her up the stairs with their friends following behind them.

"Malia." Adam said as the group passed by him and Belle. He reached out to stop her.

"Honey, we're so sorry." Belle told Malia. "We had no idea."

"I'm going to talk to him." Adam said before Malia continued to walk up the stairs.

Jane got to the top of the stairs before the group and went over to Lumiere.

"Lumiere, unveil the gift, they need to see it." Jane rushed out.

"And now for the the unveiling of King Ben's masterpiece designed especially for his Lady." Lumiere announced as the group paused on the stairs.

Lumiere gestured to the other staircase as trumpets were blown. Everyone looked at the other staircase as a curtain was dropped and a beautiful stained glass window piece was revealed. It was of Malia and Ben. Malia had purple hair, her eyes were green, and was wearing a beautiful purple gown in it. Malia looked at it in shock as the crowd clapped.

"Ben did that?" Malia asked in shock.

"Yeah, he did." Evie said in awe.

"Evie." Malia said as she grabbed Evie's hand and they walked down the stairs slowly. "Ben's known who I was all along."

"He loves the real you." Evie told Malia as their friends walked up behind them.

"A true love." Malia said in shock.

"Yeah." Evie whispered with a grin.

"Told you." Carlos told Malia causing her to laugh.

"Cover that back up." Uma told Lumiere angrily as she walked over to the stairs.

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