Chapter Four: Are We In Wonderland?...I Don't Think So...Maybe...I Don't Know

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"Wait! What?" I called out, but it was already too late as he pulled me into the purple swirly thing and I blacked out.

The Stranger's P.O.V.

Once we were through the portal I got a good look at our surrounding. Leafinia, perfect. I turned to look at my luggage, meaning Jack. She was lying on the floor. The trip through the portal must have been too much for her to handle. I bent down and got her settled on my back and started on our journey.

Jack's P.O.V.

I awoke to a small, gentle bouncing sensation. When I opened my eyes I saw a strange landscape before me.

"So, you're awake. Then I'm going to put you down. You're not light."

I glared at the back of his head, "Why you...hmph." I turned my head away from him and pouted like a kid.

He squatted a little and let me down. I finally got a good look around. There was a green open field surrounding us for about a mile before a forest type area covered with trees and bushes started and I couldn't see an end to that. I turned to him, "Where are we,"

He turned his head a little, "We're in-Kid, look out!" he pushed me out of the way as a branch came between us, almost hitting me. 'Why am I being targeted so much?' I shook my head, 'I can't dwell on that now' because suddenly I was caged in by a big group of trees. 'I'm sure those trees weren't there a second ago.' "Hey! You! Are you okay?! Speak to me!" I shouted through the bar branches. He didn't respond. I began to panic. The only person on this, I'm guessing distant planet, that I know and knows anything about this place is not responding. "Don't leave me alone in this strange place." I whispered to myself. "Hey, guy, whoever you are, I need help. Please." Appearing to talk to no one. "Please," my voice coming out in a low trembling whisper. In desperation I shouted, SAVE ME!" Suddenly a playing card manages to enter the cage and I catch it between my pointer and middle fingers.

I close my eyes, my gut telling me what to do, "The Jack." I say to myself. I start to glow. Everything that happens next happened all at the same time. My clothes change into old fashion clothes from the Middle Ages, or the ones you see in the movies where there's some type of dynasty and there was a sword in my hand. Then I was thrust out of my body. I was like a floating spirit watching the fight take place. I watched as I cut the branches and run out of the cage. Then I turn back around and cut down every tree in my way. I had this strong feeling that all trees in my way are on the enemy's side.

I turn back around and see him, about another eight feet or so away. I run to him. Just run, cutting down every interfering branch in my way. When I reach him I jump into his arms and give him a huge hug. The kind you might give a friend or lover you haven't seen in ages.

He hugs me back the same way before looking at me with the softest expression I've ever seen on his face in the short time we've known each other. Then he looks at the path of fallen branches I've created, "You might want to change back before you give us more away."

I nod my head, "Right." I bring my two same fingers and my thumb to my chest and pull out the card that entered my chest. Then my body began to glow again and it felt like the me that was floating was thrust back inside the material body standing in front of the mystery man. I blinked and looked down at my body, my clothes where back to normal. Then my vision began to fade and I blacked out again.

The Stranger's P.O.V.

Jack eyes began to cloud a second before they closed and her knees gave out on her. I caught her before she completely fell on her head and sat her down. I sighed, "What a troublesome woman." I bent down and settled her on my back. I continued on with her snoozing lightly. No one else bothered us. No one bothers with the rebels anymore.

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