Chapter Two: The next step. Step to where. I don't know

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His face is as pale as the hand extended out to me. His bright blue eyes stared into my gold ones. He raised his eyebrows, waiting for me to take his hand. Cautiously, I extended my tiny hand to him and placed it softly on his. Slowly my hands began to grow and mature, the blood fading off with the age. Then the rest of me began to grow back to my original size. I felt like I was in Alice in Wonderland.

When I opened my eyes I was back at the school. The next second my brain gave a resounding pound, giving me a glorious headache. I flinched as the next pound came, grabbing my head with my free hand. The next one had me groaning in pain and sitting down, leaning against the brick wall of one of the class rooms.

The man released my hand, allowing it to fall limply beside me. He closed his eyes and sighed. Then turned around to walk away, his blue, white hair whipping around with him.

I reached my hand out to him, my fingertips brushing the sleeve of the tight black turtleneck sweater he was crazy for wearing.

The man sighed before turning around and crouching next to me. My massive headache was making me sleepy, causing my eye lids to gradually fall over my eyes. He gave me a sweet, sad smile before taking his hand and moving it over my eyes in a downward motion, taking my eyelids with it. I was too tired to resist the opportunity to sleep. So I fell asleep on the concrete sidewalk.

A little while later I awoke in my bed at my dad's house. I looked around the familiar room. 'How did I get here?' I asked myself. The last thing I remembered was...was.... I couldn't remember anything. I looked down at my clothes. I was still in the clothes I wore at graduation. I remembered the ceremony. 'I went to the cafeteria. Talked with Vincent...' "Vincent." I said to myself before attempting to stand, which was a failure on my part. My legs felt like jelly on a licorice stick. I caught myself on my bed before I had a personal meeting with my floor.

"What happened to me?" I asked myself after I made it back onto my bed.

Suddenly the pounding headache came back. But this time it was only a dull ache in the back on my mind. I debated trying to get up again for some Advil or something, but decided against it. However, to my surprise there was a glass of water and some pills on my night stand next to my bed. Without thinking I reached over and took the pills, hopping who ever left them was a good person and didn't try to poison me. After I took the pills I laid down and thought about who could have left them. 'My dad might have.' I shook my head, dismissing the idea. 'I don't hear him in the house and he's not the type of person to do stuff like that. But he is the only person that could have done it.' Suddenly a thought popped into my head. Well, not a thought really, more like a memory. It was of a young white haired man, right before I passed out. The smile on his face stuck in my mind. I blushed at the thought.

I shook my head. 'Stop that.' But the image came back, 'Who was he?'

Suddenly another harsh pound hit my head as I began to remember what had happened. Searching for Vincent, the memory, the mystery man, falling asleep at school.... 'Wait,' my eyes shot open, 'If I fell asleep at school, how did I end up back here? My parents would have left right after the ceremony to go back to work.' Then something else dawned on me, 'Where is it? Where is it? Where is'- "Ah, there you are!" I found my diploma frame and manila envelope with the actual diploma in it on my night stand next to the empty glass. "Who ever brought me back brought these back too." I gave a sigh of relief before lying back down. Not before long I was fast asleep.

I awoke groggily to a dark room, my mind in a fog. My body felt heavy like I'd just done seven straight hours of gym class. My eyes felt clouded over; however, I was sure I saw someone standing next to my bed. But before everything could clear up the person walked out of my room through the door.

Slowly everything began to clear up. And once I got my senses back I had to figure out what my next step was. I knew I needed to find Vincent. But at the same time he is an adult, he can do whatever he wants. 'But, he wouldn't just leave me like that, right? Especially after the incident. But he was acting strange when he asked me about the game.'

I sighed, shrugging off my concern for my older brother; he can take care of himself.

With a clear mind I began to focus on my next goal, graduating college. I had a step by step plan for graduation. I'd had this plan sense I was in middle school. I was finally going to gather my things from both houses and leave to go pursue my dream of being a psychologist.

I had most of my things already packed into assorted boxes and bags, ready to be moved into my apartment room that was set up in an apartment complex near the community college I was planning to attend in the fall. The community college was in another city, which forces me to move out of both houses. And I already have a job ready and waiting for me in a local diner, so I don't have to worry about how I'm going to make the rent payments.

A week later and still no one has heard from my brother. Mom and dad are actually starting to get worried. I told them what I knew of his disappearance, but the skeptical looks they gave me made me think that they don't believe me.

During the week I had began to move my things into my new apartment. Now all I needed was my clothes, which left me with only a black stuffed suit case with all my clothes, I have a small wardrobe, my always packed overnight case, and my small batman backpack, which acts as my purse, with all my valuable possessions inside and Pokémon mini stuffed key chains of the three original starters, Pikachu, Eevee, and Togepi on the outside.

As I was walking out to my car for the last time I swore I saw someone leaning up against a tree in the woods next to my dad's house. I put the bags in my car and went to investigate, locking the car behind me.

The figure never moved off the tree. But it seemed as I got closer the farther away it got. After a few minutes I finally got to the mystery person. And I couldn't believe my own eyes. Mr. White haired memory hopper was leaning against a dark oak tree in his black turtleneck sweater. His cold eyes turned from the forest floor to mine. "Aren't you in here a bit deep for someone like you, kid?"

I gasped, "You. What are you doing here?" I walked in front of him.

He sent a glare in my direction, "I believe I am the one asking the questions."

I sent him my own glare, "Excuse me? I think I'm the one who needs to be asking the questions."

He raised his eyebrows at me, "Oh really?"

"Ya, heck, I think I need an explanation. The memory you randomly decided to pop into is eleven years old. How did you just pop into my memory like that?"

He sighed and stood up from the tree trunk, and started walking away.

I started to follow him, "Hey, don't you walk away from me. I'm not done with you. That memory you saved me from was eleven years old. How did you do that? Who are you?"

He turned around just enough that only his face and the top of his chest showed, "You ask too many questions kid."

I furrowed my brows and glared at him, "The names Jacklin Hunter thank you."

He gave a small smile, then hm-ed at me, "Nice to know kid."

I gasped at his rude disregard for my identity, than began to growl at him, a sound formed at the base of my throat.

But it was stopped by a pair of soft, plush lips covering mine. His body pinned mine to a very nearby tree and his hands kept my arms at bay at either side of my neck. But the shock itself stunned me to silence and immobility. His cool blue eyes stared intensely into mine.

He pulled away, his lips lingering for a moment before backing up and walking away further into the woods.

I stood on wobbly, jelly legs against the tree before they gave out; causing me to slide down the tree till my butt hit the floor. My finger tips touched my lips, which still felt tingly from the kiss. I just got kissed by a random stranger I don't even know.   

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