Not a Chapter.

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Sorry, this isn't a chapter. Just wanted to apologize to my friend, Tatsah123. She's really been down and I can't help to think that part of the reasons why she's down is because of me. I tried to be there but because of being totally reckless I probably made her feel this way. (I said probably because I'm not completely sure if I'm part of those who hurt her) So Alpha, if I am, I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. I don't want you to be sad just because of my mistake and some others. You're strong and your friends and I know that. You may not forgive me but I just want you to know how sorry I am for... everything. If I hurt you in a way I didn't know or anything else I did. So again, I'm sorry. Don't feel like you've been a jerk or done something to me because you haven't, it's just my mistakes. All my fault. Not yours but mine. So if you get to read this, I hope you forgive me. Bye for now.

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