Chapter VI - Heal

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(A/N: Another warning. It's bad. Uh. I'm not v good at writing. But I try. Enjoy.)

It was really... It was just weird. It made no sense at first, to be honest. It was too much for her. 

In short, Alexis was unstable. She was emotional, sensitive, her ego was somehow too small (which rarely applies), while her fear was far greater than anything else. Her self-esteem was just as low, no matter how much she tried. That was what kept everyone from telling her. From revealing her destiny. It was too soon, but time was running out, both the Council and Circle needing to hurry their process, their quests, their people.

"So I'm... a last resort?"

"No, not by a long shot! You just needed a little more time. Alex was the first one because of his wits, for example. It compensated for his lack of physical prowess. I was next for, uh. I'm not entirely sure, but they did say something about chaotic good determined by manipulation. Layra's here for her amazing balance between mind and body."

If she thought about it hard enough, it did prove to be true. Her friends were wonderful. They had such great gifts.

But what about her? What was so special about her that even if she was deemed a lost cause at the age everyone understood their destiny, she was still accepted?

"Alexis, to be sincere with you, I've only just started to recognize your potential. At first, we were a bit skeptical. You were just another girl with odd quirks." Edina couldn't help but frown at the past.

"But you do hold within you a gift. Not just the volatility of fire. Not just fire's capability of destroying and creating." Alex continued the other girl's idea, shifting his gaze between Alexis and the 

"There is hope."


"In you. You hold hope. Not for you, but for others, the world. You may not think high of yourself but you believe that the world can be good. That we can better ourselves for you, and for everyone else. Makes sense?" Layra tried to explain, as they all did, but she still thought they were wrong.

Were they?

Shaking her head vigorously, Alexis stood up.

"Are you all--"

"We should go," Alexis interrupted any attempt at a question.

"But it's late, it's not even tomorrow," the (only) boy argued in vain.

"Head start. You know? Let's go."

That was her solution. Change the subject, feign strategy, keep moving. Living.

Find the weird god damned fang.

Before it got too close to home.

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