Chapter III - The Storyteller's Friends

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Edina and Layra, my best friends, were there.

Just sort of... Staring for now. Did I forget something?


Edina was 1,65 m, had long, chestnut hair, blue highlights, emerald-like eyes and could convince anyone to do her bidding.

Layra was 1,75 m, had short, brown hair, bob-style, the front part flowing to the clavicle, and the back to the half of the neck, the tip of the hairs orange, golden eyes, with orange zig-zag outlines, and some light orange inward lines, and she was as strong as a lion, both in willpower and physical prowess.

Alright, I described you, get off my back now, will you?

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked, wondering if they were going to get their own companions, or they just got in trouble.

"They are here because they were sent by The Council to protect you ever since you came to this school." The headmaster remarked, smiling once again.

"The Council?"

"Yes. The Grand Council of The Guardians. They sent Edina and Layra to protect and guide you. And before you ask, they also have Pet Guardians, much like your Blaze. Edina has a Manticore named Fluffy." Fluffy was a golden lion with a royal black scorpion tail, a scary humanoid face, and black scaly wings. Apparently had the same powers as Edina. "She has power over water. Layra has a Snow Gryphon named Bampi." Your typical snow gryphon. "Like Layra, he controls electricity." How odd, frozen water with power over lightning.

"Wow," I said ,"Schoolmistress, do YOU have a Pet Guardian?" Curiosity had taken over, evidently.

"I do have one. His name is Ankh. He is a Sphynx, as you would guess."

"Awesome." It was the only thing I could say, really. So many new things to learn in such a small period of time.

"I know," the headmaster laughed. "He has the power of knowledge."

"Makes sense."

So... To recap... There's people who can control different elements or combinations. Said people have these ' pets ', companions, that live with them, and share their control over those elements. And... Uh... The Grand Council?

"What do I do now? And what exactly is the Council?"

"You must go to the Forest of the Keepers and train there with Blaze. Edina and Layra must go and train with you too. You all must become powerful and knowledgeable to be able to confront The Chaos Circle, as the Council has foretold." As if she was shuffling with the words in her mind to make it sound simple enough for me to understand, she looked away from us. "The Grand Council is a group, if you may, of intelligent creatures, human and other such races, whose roles are to protect the balance of the world in a more diplomatic way. With little casualties as possible, and no unnecessary violence."

"What of the Chaos Circle then? Rebel alliance or opposite?"

"It is the opposite of The Grand Council. It brings chaos and destruction wherever one of the members and their minions go. You have to be careful on your journey. They are everywhere. After a day of training in the Keepers' Forest, you will have to make your way to the Serpent's Cave and search for Medusa's Fang. It will tell you which way to go next if you put it in Edina's hands, filled with water. Understood?" Dear Christ, that's... A lot to take in.

Alright, Council is good, Circle is bad. Forest is for training, then Cave is for finding. Well... I am particularly good at finding things. So that should be easy. Something about a fang...

"Yes, I understand."

"Now go... But beware. Their minions are easy to fend off, but their proper members..." What an ominous send-off.

"W-Wait, wait, what about school?" I suddenly asked, remembering my education.

"Don't worry, Alexis. It's all covered." She spoke, a bit worried, although knowing there was much to learn on this journey of ours. Maybe I'll get a tutor after all of this blows over.

"Well, alright then. Edina? Layra? Let's roll!" Always wanted to say that. We headed over to the office door, the two already out. I turned to the headmaster one last time. "Goodbye, miss." Blaze squeaked, perched on my shoulder, maybe he wanted to say goodbye too.

"Goodbye, and may luck be with you. And... Happy Birthday." A smile was present on her face,

"Thank you, headmistress."

And so we left.

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