I sent my mom a goodnight text and send Jake a you better be asleep right now. I went in to the changing room and threw myself on the soft sofa. There is only one thing in this entire that I love more than chocolate and sun and it is sleep because well you don't want to know what happens when I don't get at least 6 hours of sleep each day. Fall in lock, I finally got it he wanted me to fall in love with him well bastard nit hapenning.

I felt my eyes slowly drooping to sleep and right when I was about to drift in to lala land the door to the changing room bursts open revealing a blue haired dude.

"Can I help you?" I ask the guy as politely as I could but it sounded like a snarl because he woke me up from my sleep. His eyes trailed from my face to my legs and checked them out shamelessly and wiggled his eyebrows at me suggestively and of course I flipped him off.

"I am looking for Jason Rawlings, telling him Matt, his brother is looking for him that piece of crap."

I smirk knowing Jason, Matt was probably pissed at him one way or another. I get off the beautiful couch whispering I'll be back quietly to it. "Follow me." I walk fast and he grabs on to my wrist "Walk slower babe." I glare at him "You know I could just be bringing you to a dark corner and killing you."

I rip my arm away from him and I walk in to Jason's office.

"What's up Tori?" Jason sings in a high pitched voice and I threw my shoes at him.

"Woah did someone not get their beauty sleep." I pout nodding my head and then glaring at Jason. "It is all your fault, this guy claiming to be your brother wants to see you." I pull Matt in to his office and Jason doubles over in laughter "Your hair, it is blue."

Matt groans "Thank you capitain obvious. And how the hell did you put hair dye in to my shampoo bottle may I ask."

Jason smiles sheepishly, "Well it was actually really easy, your shampoo was one of those colour shield ones, I just dumped out all the contents of your shampoo and put in foam blue hair dye and knowing by how much you love your hair I knew you would wash it for a long period of time. It was really that simple."

Before I could stop myself, I burst out laughing. It is like watching Jason duplicate and divide in two. Matt playfully punched me and then smirked evilly at me "I bet you don't remember do you, Victoria."

I stop laughing and stare at him "What? How do you know my name."

"Do you remember back when the club first opened, well I was in line to go in and you were behind me with a friend umm, dark brown hair and hazel eyes." I nod, that was back when Natalie and I were still friends. "Well I was with my ex girlfriend when you slapped my a$$."

I stared at like a deer caught in head lights, he was right I do remember that day.


"Vicki, do you see the guy in front of us?" I nod at my boy crazed friend, she probably stalked him too. "Well his name is Matt."

I roll my eyes and raise my hand about to slap her "Nat, you are such a creep." The minute I brough my hand up the guy Nat stalks stops and my hand slaps his bum. I gasp, FUCK FUCK FUCK. He turns around and smirks.

"I AM SO SORRY!!" The guy gives me a smile while the girl glares.

"It's okay I don't mind it."

I sigh in relief while Nat goes gaga wanting to touch him and then we both burst out luaghing.


I cringe at the memory, crap how could I have forgotten.

After Matt told the story to Jason, Jason doubled over in laughter probably by both Matt's blue hair and my slapping bum situation. I glare at Matt

"You know at the end of the day Mattsy" I give him the weirdest nickname I could think of "You are still the freak with blue hair."

Jason's laughter gets louder and he starts making noises similiar to choking. I shake my head, knowing that I was friends with this idiot.




Lunch was finally here, I walked up the stairs with my friend and she squealed loudly.

"WHAT!" I whispered

She points ahead "You see the guy in front of us?"

I nod "The one who is holding his girlfriend's hand?"

She nods really excited "Isn't he adorable and oh his name is Matt."

"YOU STALKER!!" I bring my hand out to slap her but 'Matt' stops suddenly and I smack his ass instead.

My friend stiffles a laugh.

The guy turns around his face a little bit red and I am pretty sure mine is probably as red as a tomato by now.

"I am so sorry, I didnt know you were going to stop."

Matt smiles "it's okay I dont mind it."

I sigh and smile back at him.

That was how I came to know Matt Rawlings, he was a great friend. But over the summer because of a stupid mistake that fun loving great guy passed away. May he rest in peace. This chapter is dedicated to him <3<3<3<3<3<3 ^_^

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