We got back to the hotel and went to the rooms, we all went into our own except Harry, he went into Louis'. Liam and I sat on the couch and started watching TV, not the news. I put my head on his lap and rested my foot along the couch. It didnt hurt anymore, only if i twisted it or moved it wrong it would hurt a little. I didn't understand why i needed a cast when i had surgery, but i wasnt game to argue with the doctors.


Three days into me having a cast and i was over it, i couldnt swim with the boys so i had to sit on the outside of the pool. I couldnt enjoy LA. Then my phone started ringing it was the doctor.

'Leyna good news, we can take the cast off you tomorrow' he said happily

'Oh my god, that's great thank you' I hung up and told Liam who was making me some lunch

'Thats amazing. Now you can enjoy LA and it's just intime for our first concert which is tomorrow night' he smiled handing me a sandwhich.

I had forgotten all about the concert.

We decided to throw a little party in mine and Liam's hotel room, just because we could.

'Guys, i think we should do a twitcam' Liam smiled

'Babe, Louis is drunk, Harry is half naked, Zayn is drunk aswell and Niall, well he is off eating somewhere' i laughed

'So, it will be fun. We can talk' he smiled

He set up the laptop and started a twitcam, he made sure i was in it. Not that the fans would want me to but hey, i wasnt going to argue with him. So many people commented saying Hi to me and stuff, it was a good feeling.

Ten minutes into it Louis and Niall came and sat behind us and talked, of course Niall was eating pretzels.

'Niall can i have one?' i asked

He glared at me.

'Leyna, one thing you learn from being around us is that Niall doesnt share food, ever' Louis laughed

'Bu-but im injured' i pouted trying not to laugh

Niall looked at his pretzels then at me then at my foot and back and his pretzels again.

'Fine' he said reaching into the packet and pulling one out for me

All the boys were shocked, even Harry, Zayn and Dad who were standing behind the camera.

I saw someone comment saying 'lucky, Nill actually shared with you'

'Dad, do we have any cookies?' i asked

'No, but we can order some. Who want's some'

All of us cheered and then we heard Louis shout out 'we want carrots' and everyone started laughing.

'No lou' dad laughed 'cookies not carrots'

He walked over to the phone and ordered heaps of cookies. Soon after there was a knock on the door and it was the cookies.

'Cookies' we all cheered as Niall and Dad answered to door.

We all got our cookies quickly before Niall took them.

As we were doing the twitcam i started falling asleep on Liam's shoulder, he wanted to stop it so i could sleep but i told him not too.


'Okay Leyna, just be careul okay. just because the cast is off doesnt mean you can go around going mental' the doctor laughed 'no dancing, jumping, sport or anything like that for a couple of months.'

'Okay.' i said softly i guess this meant i wouldnt be playing netball with the LA lakers.

We were in the car on the way to the concert since we stopped off at the hospital on the way there, i still had crutches but it wasnt a major thing if i didnt always use them, aslong as i had them for support, i could walk. We got to the arena and it was huge, we went backstage to a room labeled One Direction's Dressing room.

We sat down and my phone vibrated in my pocket, causing me to jump. Luckily i was sitting down so i didnt hurt my leg. It was Jaimie.

I saw you on the news, hope your okay. See you made a boyfriend. (;

Yeah i am, just got the cast off. Haha yeah, i am at their concert right now backstage. You jelly?

I laughed and all the boys looked at me weirdly which made me laugh more.

authors note; sorry it was a boring/short chapter. But as i said in my last one, its mothers day so yeah. Drama will be in the next chapter, hehe. Happy Mothers Day :)

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