Jay shook his head. "Sort of. Before the whole undercover gig we were both strictly partners. We both flirted a lot, but never did anything due to her father, my boss' 'no in house romance' rule. But then I gave her my mother's ring. It had to look real, and Erin has always been more than a partner to me. As soon as she slid on the ring, I knew I had to tell her. So I did, it just happened."

Dr. Gorelik nodded his head, understanding what the young fellow meant. "I see. If you want to move in and both agree, then do it. Just take things slow and know that both of you are still healing mentally and physically from the assault." Dr. Gorelik continued, "What does your boss think of this? Does he approve?"

"Yes. While Erin was out of it, I spoke to him, and he agreed I could take care of her. And I did tell him about our kiss and how we both had feelings for each other, and prior to the attack, we agreed to start dating. He seemed okay with it, and just told me to love and take care of her." Jay remembers the conversation between him and Hank Voight like it was yesterday.


"Hank." Jay looked up as Erin's father figure walked into the room, taking a seat next to Jay.

It had been an exhausting and fragile sixteen hours since Jay was reunited with his girl. He glanced over to her bed, only feet away, and sighed, the tears threatening to slide down his face becoming stronger. Her pale body laid there, in her hospital bed, and she actually looked peaceful.

"Halstead." Hank looked over to Jay, seeing the worry in his eyes, and the tears falling. "She will be okay, son." He wrapped his arm around his back, enveloping him in a hug.

The tears lightly stained Hank Voight's plaid flannel he was wearing, as Jay quietly sobbed. "What if she is not? I love her."

Hank sighed. He knew this would happen. Why wouldn't it? He paired them up, partners. He only could blame himself. Partners had a special bond, and sometimes- that bond grows to a best friend level, then it becomes stronger.

"Jay, I know you do. And I'm okay with that." Hank shook his head. Did he really just admit that? Now was it time to give him the "you hurt her you will be sleeping with the fish" speech? No.

Jay only cried harder, Hank's shirt muffling his cries of pain. Jay could only think of one thing. Hank approves. He approves. He and Erin can finally be together. Finally. Jay will have his happy ending after all.

Jay picked his head off of Hank's shoulder, wiping his eyes. "You... You approve? Of us?" He couldn't believe what he was saying.

Hank smiled, gripping Jay's shoulder. "Yes."

Jay nodded, giving Hank a hug. "Thank you." He whispered.

"No, Jay. Thank you. Since the day you met Erin I knew I would eventually have to accept you two. The day has come and I'm ready." Hank sincerely admitted.

Jay nodded, a smile tugging on his lips. "Thank you, Hank."

The two sat in silence in the early night hours, not saying a word, both of them trying to wrap their minds around acceptance. The acceptance of Erin and Jay.

"Jay, are you taking care of Erin when we get back to Chicago?" Hank didn't look at Jay.

"Of course." Jay replied. That was a dumb question of Voight to ask. Of course he was going to take care of Erin. He wasn't going to leave her side.

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