Lazy Saturday

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8:30 a.m

Amanda POV

I woke up to the sound of music, I got up, went to shower and did my hygiene stuff. I went through my dresser draw and took out a white sleeves body blouse and black short shorts and my white slippers.
I went out the living room to see Assenia dancing to chris brown party.
I laughed "girl watch ya doing" I said and she turned around so quick like a deer caught in head lights and I start laughing " Uumm I'm dancing to ma man song " she said still dancing and I laughed even more "you mean Rihanna and Karreuche man" I said
And she stop "ion care about either robin or the other cockroach one" she said
And I busted out laughing
"Its Karreuche" I said smiling
"That's what I said cockroach" she said laughing, I swear she's crazy already.
"Oh I made breakfast, it's in the kitchen " she said
"OK thanks" I said getting up
"No work" she said sitting down on the couch
"Nope" I said walking into the kitchen.
And made my plate of bacon, scramble eggs, butter pancakes and hot chocolate.
I sat in the at the island in the kitchen and start eating.

After I finished eating I washed out the plate and cup and went back in the living room to see Assenia watching Home Alone so I joined her.
"Thank you for this Amanda" she said
"How many times are you gonna say thank you, it's alright" I said with a light smile
And she nodded "well since I moved in with you I might as well look for a job so I can help pay the bills" she said
I pay water bill, light bill,cable bill, and my rent.
"Yea Okay, so what type of job you planning on doing" I asked her
"I really don't know, but maybe a waitress like you or something, ion know" she said
"OK" I said nodding my head
"I watched this movie about ten times and I still love it" she said and we both shared a laugh
"Ten times you crazy" I said and we both laughed again
"I can tell every part and scene" she said sounding confident
"If you watch it ten times what you expect" I said rolling my eyes and we giggled
"Shid! Ion know" she said smiling
"Well let's go shopping, you gonna need clothes and under clothes" I said getting up
"Wait, your gonna buy them for me" she said confused
"Uuum, yes" I said raising an eyebrow
"Thank you so much" she said getting all excited like a nine year old getting presents.
"Girl, stop it's OK" I said smiling
"Now come on" I added and we got up and we both left for the mall.
12:45 p.m

Assenia POV

We have finished shopping and were in the food court eating burgers and talking. I'm grateful for what Amanda is doing, I've never had a friend who is a girl who has really cared this much and that's willing to help me.
"Dam this burger is good" I said and Amanda smiled,
"Tell me something I don't know" she said and we both laughed.
I looked up and saw this figure and he looks like chris bro-
"OMG" I yelled out
"Is that chris bro-" but got interrupted
"Uum yess" she said and I was start squealing.
We both watched as Chris Brown went up stairs with his bodyguards caving him in
"Woow" I said
"Yea wow, go get your dream man" she said and I laughed
"Yea right, so his buffed ugly ass bodyguards can break me up" I said and she busted out laughing
"Girl plz, they wouldn't do that, they'd put yo ass in a coma" she said
"Would they" I said confused and lost
"Uuum, I'm just playing" she said and I hit her playfully
"Don't ever do that again" I said and she laughed
"OK I won't" she said surrendering
And we continue eating, then about thirty minutes later Chris Brown came down and he was eyeing me,
"Someone likes you" Amanda squealed and moving up and down in her seat.
And I smiled and looked up on Chris as he was eyeing me and leaving for the entrance.
"I got it let's go out tonight" Amanda said all happy
"Like where" I asked confused
"Clubbing duuh" she said
"OK I'm up for it" I said, we took up our bags and left.
After we arrived back at the house, we both went to sleep cause we gonna want a lot of energy for tonight all our grinding and other shit.

6:50 p.m

We both got up and made dinner and just talked about things.
The club doesn't open till nine so we get plenty of time to get ready and have time to talk.
"So where are you parents" I asked Amanda
And she held her head down,
"It's ok you can talk to me" I said holding her hand and she looked up and slightly smiling.
"Well, I was born and raised in Georgia Atlanta, my mom and dad split up from I was three years old so I'd normally be back and forth from my mom to my dad, when I was 17, I was talking to this guy he was 19,very sweet and nice, but sweet then turn bitter and nice turned mean, I would normally go to his house on the weekends to spend time with him. Well one day I went over there and he forced me to have sex with him and I got pregnant, when I told my parents about it they didn't believe me and they kicked me out, saying I'm nothing but a little whore, I rap and sing too, so back then I'd write my songs and sing or rap them but my dad would always tell me I wasn't gonna be anything so I might as well shut up in his house, and at my mom was the same thing.
I dropped out of high school cause I couldn't pay school fee and all that, so I then start to work in a clinic cleaning the bathrooms and all that, I saved up a good amount off money enough for a plane ticket and to get an apartment and that's how I came to New York. When I came here it wasn't easy either but I tried my best" she said as tears run down her face
"Wow, that's deep" I said
"Yea it is" she said wiping away her tears
"So what about the baby" I asked concerned
And she cried even harder "I lost it" she said and hugged her.
"I'm sorry" I said as she cried
"It's OK" she said sniffing and wiping her tears.
"What about you, what's your story" she said as we pulled away from the hug
"Well just like you my parents didn't care either, I was born and raised here in New York, I dropped out off school too" I said holding my head down
"Why" she said sniffing
"My dad I don't know him, he left when I was a baby, my step father he was the father I knew until my mom started cheating on him and he left us when I was seventeen , my mom had a lot of boyfriends and one day when my mom left me with one of them, he raped me till I was sore and couldn't move and hit me in my face, my tummy all over. My body was pained up when my mom came home just like you, I tried to tell her but she didn't believe she put the guy over me so I left. Not knowing where I was going but I just had to get out of there" I said
"Wow" she said
"Yea" I said
"So your 18" she said
"Yup" I said
"Well it's good that I have some one I can talk to" she said
"Same here" I said and we both smiled
"Omg... time for us to get ready" she said and we both got up.


Amanda and Assenia both 18?👭
Assenia moving in with Amanda?👀
Both parents didn't cared?
Chris Brown eyeing Assenia? 😏

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