The Everyday Torture

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I stared at myself in the mirror, my reflection tormented me like it does every morning. Why couldn't I just have been born in the right body? I was never meant to be Savannah, I'm Noah. I always knew I was different, but I never could figure out what was wrong. I was never a girlie girl, I know that doesn't automatically equal transgender, but it just felt different. I even thought I was a lesbian, but there was just something off about it. I felt so much more comfortable in boys clothes than I ever did in girls. Of course my parents weren't okay with it at first. My mom eventually became comfortable with calling me Noah. She still thinks this is just a phase I'm going through. My dad on the other hand just refuses to accept the idea of me being Noah. He won't let Savannah go.

I sighed and picked up my bindings, it's always the same process every morning. I'm trying to talk my parents into letting me get chest re-construction surgery, but it's not really going too well. Of course I'm not legally old enough to make the decision on my own. I looked myself over, double checking everything looks how it should. It's not like I'm hiding anything, the kids at school know who I am. Some of them are okay with it, some hate me for it, and the others just avoid me like I'm the plague. You could only imagine how bad I have it in the relationship department. Girls aren't exactly jumping at the chance to date a guy with boobs.

Well I'm off for another day in hell. Don't get me wrong, not everything about me sucks. I have the three greatest friends anyone could ask for. They loved me as Savannah, and they still love me as Noah. They know the person inside didn't change with outside. Marty has been my friend from the start. We were 3 when we first met, and we've been inseparable ever since. She was the first one to find out about Noah. We actually talked about if for a month before I officially decided. I wanted to positive this was what I wanted. Ronnie is just a great friend. He was honestly a little wary around me at first, but he got over it in no time. We're bros and that won't change any time soon. I go to him for advice a lot. Danni is amazing. She came out as a lesbian right around the time I came out as Noah. Needless to say people think we're a bad bunch.

The same familiar doors, the same familiar school, and the same familiar faces. Some things just never change. I laughed at my own lame joke as I entered the building. I've gotten used to the whispers that go on when I walk by. It doesn't bother me anymore, let them talk. I just go to my locker, get my stuff, and find my friends.

"Hey guys, look it's Noah." Dave said as he slammed my locker when I was looking for my Algebra book. I ignored him as I re-entered in my combination to my lock.

"What's wrong did I hurt your feelings," he asked mocking me. I refused to respond to his childish behaviour. "I'm talking to you, freak." he said clearly getting upset by my lack of response.

"His name isn't freak." Danni said walking up from behind him.

"You're getting lesbo to fight your battles?" Dave asked clearly finding humor where no one else did. Danni rolled her eyes.

"Screw off, Dave." she told him shifting her books to her other arm.

"I have better things to do than talk to the likes of you anyway." Dave said before stalking off down the hall to find another helpless victim.

"Thanks for that." I told Danni as we walked down the hall together.

"No trouble at all. Dave needs a good kick in the a-."

"Hey you guys." Marty said cutting Danni off as she joined us.

"Hey Marty." I said with a little wave of my hand. Danni nodded her head in acknowledgement at her.

"Like I was saying he's just a jerk." Danni said shaking her head.

"Who?" Marty asked looking between the two of us. She tends to be overprotective at times. Messing with her friends is never a good idea.

"Dave." I answered her with a tone implying it was no big deal.

"What, is he giving you problems again?" Marty asked me her expression turning sour.

"He's just being obnoxious as usual." I said brushing it off like always. We went our separate ways as the first bell rang.

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