Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 3

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"Right, mummy needs to tidy the living room and pack a bag as well as pack the car up with Blaine's things, can you play nicely with Blaine while I do that?" I ask Brittany.

"Uh huh, me be dood durl" she tells me.

"Thank you" I say before heading back downstairs with the kids, I tidy the living room, get Blaine's stuff together and put them in the boot and then I pack Brittany a bag as Blaine would already be home so I didn't need to pack anything for him. The kids played nicely well I did all this.

"Let's get in the car then" I call out to the kids. They both run out to the car and Blaine comes running back to me and I hear Brittany cry.

"Aun'ie 'an'ana, Bwitt 'ell 'ver" Blaine tells me.

"Ok, thank you sweetie for telling me, can you show me where she is?" I ask him as I take his hand and he shows me where Brittany was, which was lying on the floor on the other side of the car.

"Baby, what happened?" I cooed as I pick her up.

"Fell 'ver" she sobs into my shoulder.

"Ok, I'll get you in your seat and I'll clean you up" I coo to her as I soothe her for a few minutes to calm her down.

"Can I put you in now?" I ask her.

"Uh huh" she sniffles. I place her in but don't strap her up yet, I then get some wipes out and clean her hands, I then strap her up and then get Blaine in before getting in myself and heading to Kurt's.

"You excited to see daddy?" I ask Blaine.

"Uh huh, I 'iss 'im an' 'ug 'im" he tells me, excitedly.

"Aww, I'm sure he'd be happy to see you too" we soon get to Kurt's and I get the kids out before getting Blaine's stuff and Brittany's bag.

"Hiya" Kurt greets.

"Hey" we both hug before he takes the stuff of me and sets them down in his hallway.

"Up" Blaine says as he lifts his arms up to Kurt.

"Hello you, I missed you" Kurt kisses his cheek and then hugs him.

"Has he been alright?" Kurt asks me.

"Yeah, he was fine until bedtime, which I knew he was going to cry anyway" I tell him.

"Yeah, he usually does cry if I'm not there" he says.

"It was Brittany who was more grumpy" I tell him.

"Oh, she was clearly tired and hungry then, wasn't she?"


*Kurt's PoV*

Ever since Blaine came home, he's been a bit clingy to me but he will go off and play with Brittany sometimes.

"Go play" I tell him as I set him down.


"I'm now making lunch and I can't hold you at the same time" I tell him.


Infantilism BlaineDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora