Chapter 1: The Beginning

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In year 1990, 24 scientists established a secret organization. An organization where they aimed to make human cloning possible. In order to make this possible, various tests and experiments were conducted. This is where is became dark... Testing their research on animals did not show any success and that's where they've decided to test it on human. Not just any humans... young humans. They started kidnapping hundreds to thousands of kids from all over the world to be their guinea pigs. Many innocent kids died just to make their heinous plan perfect. The government took all desperate measures to catch those scientists but failed.

The case of kidnapping and lost kids grew bigger and bigger. Many family mourned for their loss. Everyday, they would find lifeless, distorted bodies floating in the river. Some have fractured bones...while others had massive internal bleeding. The government could not do anything to stop those endless killings.

Years have passed...still those inhumane things kept on happening. The day when the scientists started their organization and their plan...was the start of the Dark Ages. No mother or father will let their child play on the streets anymore.

No fun.

No happiness.

Just sorrow...


and darkness...

Year 1998 1830 hours

"What?! What do you mean?!" shouted Chairman Griffin that reached the hallway of the NOMED Org. building.

"Their genes had resequeled??!! I want them to be cloned not fucking make them into freaks!! This is not what I paid you for!" He threw the folder that contains the data of the recent researches into the face of the scared and whimpering scientists.

"We are sorry chairman. We'll take care of it." pleaded the scientists while bowing so low.

"You SHOULD take care of it. By morning I want them terminated." He said gritting his teeth and turned to face the glass window with a glass of whiskey in hand. With a worried face which he hid, he dismissed the scientists.

"Yes, chairman" the scientists went out scampering.

Scientist's Lodging Area

Dr. Sophia Hushburn's POV

"I can't take this anymore Kent! I don't want to kill those poor kids anymore. They are just kids... they're killing kids for chrissake! Those kids deserve to live... not die in our hands... they deserve to play, to make friends, to be with their family. I'll quit this job. I can't do this anymore. Before, I can't leave this god forsaken place because my dad is in their custody. Now that he is dead, I want to set things right." after saying those words, I break down and cry. Letting my tears flow... my agony... my pain.

"What are you planning to do, Soph?" asked Dr. Kent Nakamura while he rubs my back to calm me.

"I'll set the kids free. We will escape this hell hole. I'll sabotage the laboratory to put an end to this." I said with solid determination in my voice.

I need to do this. My payment for all the things I've done... for helping a demon.

"I'll help you, Soph." he held my hands and looked deeply into my eyes. He smiled, easing the pain away.

"Thank you, Kent"

"We'll escape tonight."

On the other side of the NOMED Org. building...

"Sis... I-it hurts... m-my head hurts..." cried a little girl with blue hair. She hugs her sister like it's her life line.

"Sshh Zypher you're gonna be okay... big sister is here okay? Stop crying..." she hugs her sister tightly. She needs to be strong for her sister even if she is also suffering.

They stayed like that for five minutes until her sister fell asleep and then the older girl scanned the whole room. She can see other kids but fewer than they were before. After they were tested they were moved into this room. She counted how many they are. Eight boys and four girls including her and her sister.

She noticed a boy weakly walking towards them with worry in his eyes. She wondered why is he looking at her sister with a worried face.

"Is she okay?" he asked with a strange accent.

"I guess... she is sleeping now. Who are you?" the girl asked which made the boy flinch.

"U-uhmm I'm Christopher... I'm her friend." he said while scratching his head. "We were in the same room."

"Really?" she smiled and looked at her sister. "It's a good thing she made a friend while she is away from me. Thank you for being her friend."

The boy smiled sweetly and sat down beside his friend. He fixes her hair and wipes her tears that stayed on her cheeks. "I want to protect her... she's a very sweet girl. She doesn't deserve to be here."

"Me too... I want her safe."

Suddenly the door to their room opened which made their heart beat so fast. The boy positioned himself in front of the two girls while clenching his fist.

"Kids, be quite. We are going to escape." said the stranger that entered their room.

Escape? Did god hear our prayers? Are we really going to be free? the girl thought to herself.

Freedom? Is this a dream? the boy thought.

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