Azraeh Zeppelin Stark

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This is my main OC, and I use Az for everything. I know a lot more about her, and I'm much better writing as her. So, here she is:

Name: Azraeh Zeppelin Stark (Yes, Tony chose the middle name)

Nickname: Az, Azry (only to Tony), occasionally Ax (just something that spawned over time)

Alter Ego Name: Obsidian

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Biological Parents: Morganne Le Fey (Mother), Tony Stark (Father) (this fact is unknown to her)

Adopted Parents: Steve Rogers (Pa), Tony Stark (Dad)

Looks: Az has long, deep brown hair, exactly the colour of Tony's. It stays straight naturally, but is thin and silky and easy to mould. She has striking green eyes, like emeralds are settled in her irises, matching the colour of her green energy. Her skin is fair, with a slight tan. A white scar runs down over her right eyebrow and onto her eyelid. She's 5'5", but constantly tries to make herself taller. She as a slim and shaped figure, but is slightly muscular from a lot of training.

Style: Her casual style in the tower is geeky. A messy bun, glasses, joggers and a jumper, plaid shirt of her Pa's or her Dad's (or Feray's) t-shirts will do with a god hot chocolate. When shes being formal or dressy, she loves elegant stuff. She'll always go for red, gold, deep blue or green. When she's working and fighting, leather. So much leather.

Alter Ego suit: She wears a single piece black leather catsuit, which has modifications and hidden areas in it. Green stripes snake up the sides of the arms and the legs, stopping at the shoulders and sides. She has a black leather belt with a green smoke-shaped buckle. Holsters and other weapon storage areas are attached to the belt. She wears a black mask over her eyes, temples and the bridge of her nose, and black lipstick masks her lips. She wears wedge high heeled black boots that are knee high, and black fingerless leather gloves. Her hair is usually up in a high ponytail.

Personality: Az is sassy and sarcastic to those she doesn't trust. She has a Stark shell, full of wit and tricks and winning smiles. But behind it is a lot of pain she only shows to certain people. She's kind to those she loves and trusts; however she doesn't trust easy after everything that's happened. If she manages to relax, she's bubbly and energetic, with a lot of shy energy too. She's honestly a child at heart. She's extremely stubborn and can have a short temper when it comes to protecting her family. But, if you push her too far, the calm mockery you'd get from her is worse. She's dangerous like that. So, she's a typical Stark, with her own little twists.

Powers: Shadow Manipulation and Green Energy Manipulation (like Scarlet Witch's but green)

Villain/Hero/Neutral: Hero

Crush: Feradian Laufeyson (One of my best friend's OC's bookies16)

Short Backstory: She was raised for 5 years of her life in Hydra, being tortured and tested on like a lab rat. She broke free and escaped when she was 5 1/2, living on the streets for a bit until Fury found her. She was taken in and from then on she was basically raised by Tony in SHIELD. She lived in fear for a lot of her life, instincts like the Winter Soldier's buried below, but instincts much more... sombre and sorrowful.

She got the eye scar from a fight with Hydra when she was 10, when she was taken for a few weeks until the Avengers rescued her. She's been kidnapped and tortured by Hydra multiple times but refused to break, SHIELD becoming her strength.

At 16, she was allowed to join the team, though it took a lot of arguments between her Dad (Tony) and her Pa (Steve) to be allowed in. She'd met the rest of the team in SHIELD already, so they were close family. She met Feray at the age of 12 and grew extremely close to him, and fell in love over time.

Az genuinely fears her own powers. Whenever she's lost control, it's lead to a lot of fatalities, and a lot of distrust. She believes if she locks them away and focuses solely and physical combat, she'll be fine. She's scared of the dark and of fire for these reasons, as they closest link to her powers. She rarely ever sleeps, because of Hydra issues, but when she does she won't sleep in the dark.

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