chapter 9 'danger'

Start from the beginning

tom : you already have by just thinking about it you do realise it right ?

me : thank that's makes me feel better .

tom : your welcome

me : I can already see that smirk on your face .

    later that day (Monday April 14 2014)

             jamies p.o.v

I decided to get ready because I was four . so I quickly took a shower , then grabed my undergraments . once i had those on I had to decide on my out fit which was difficult at first but easy at first . I decided to go with a little pink long sleeves with

some skinny khakis pants and my sperry top siders. now on to the make up ! I put on my buttergloss Èclar and some blush . after I curled my hair since I didn't like my boring old straight hair and place a hat on my head .

Nathan : hey babe are you ready ?

me : yea just let me get my stuff .

Nathan : alright I'll be up their in 5 ok.

          5 minutes later

sure enough Nathan was at the bedroom door waiting . " hey jam-- wow you look beautiful" Nathan said I was shocked by his words and I think he made me blushed because he smiled . " thank Nathan but keep your mouth shut you know how it is in Texas . " I said . " alright then were off " Nathan said .

       later that evening .......

       Nathan p.o.v

I was soooooooo nervous I have no clue I think it was because I was going to ask her to be my girlfriend . but anyways he had the best night ever I took her to the movies and watched Rio 2 it was a cute movie I saw that she enjoyed it because she wouldn't stop talking about Charlie an anteater . after that we walked around Houston .  and then a song came on .

the best thing about tonight is were not fighting could it be we had been this way before

I know you don't think I'm trying I know you wearing down wearing thin down to the core

but hold your because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you over again don't make change my mind I won't live to see another day

I swear its ture because a girl like you is impossible to find your impossible to find

this is not want intended I always swore to you I fall apart you thought I was stronger I may had failed but I had loved you from the start

Oooo but hold your breathe because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you over again don't make change my mind or I won't live to see another day I swear its ture because a girl like you is impossible to find you find

so breathe in so deep breathe me in I'm yours to keep and hold onto your words cause talk is cheep

and remember me tonight when you're asleep

because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you over again don't make me change my mind

or I won't see another day I swear its ture because a girl like you is impossible to find

tonight will be the night that I will fall for you over again don't make me change my mind

or I won't live to see another day I swear its ture because a girl like you is impossible to find your impossible to find .

I knew this was my chance to ask her . " hey Jamie I was going to ask you um do you want to be my girlfriend ? " I said with more courage than I thought .she looked over to me and said " have you read my jacket like the last time Nathan sykes is my boyfriends and if tray moment answer your question then yes I will be your girlfriend." I was shocked and I then realized that she was eye balling some people maybe she was hungry . " um Nathan I'm starting to get huntry I think you should take me some where safe . then this happened .

NATHAN OVER HERE  NATHAN OVER  oh shit this isn't good 

me and Jamie were surrounded by flashes and any minute the bomb next to me would explode .


oh god please tell me why can't these guys just shut up for a minute  . I was to distracted when one of the paps where talking to Jamie and I noticed that she looked scared and frightened or threatened and that wasn't good at all . sooner or later the he'll would brake lose .

Jamie can you hear me do not smell I repeat do not smell .

Nathan I'm scared I'll And I have no fucking clue what to do right now .

Jamie don't worry I'll protect you no matter what .

Nathan the hunger is getting worse i don't think I can take any longer I'm getting dizzy Nathan STOP ME !!!

oh shit oh shit hell just broke lose and I ran as fast as I could to Jamie then


that's when someone blacked out . ohhhhhh  shit this is bad.

"JAMIE ...   JAMIE " I ketp screaming until tom came and everyone else came I was saved now but also impossible trouble because of Jamie .

A/ N I Wanted some drama in this one since all the other where crapy  and love but now this chapter got interesting tell me what you think about its and If you have a twitter follow me ~ bianca__sykes

inatagram ~torn___apart

and if you want to talk to me about this fanfic or anything else then kik me ~ solielmoon 

vote and comment if what you think about it thanks and bye all you fabulous peoples :D

p.s do u like the cliff hangers ? Hehehhe if you don't then ow well im a person who likes to make people go insane :D

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