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*skip in time*
Today is our first day of tour. We are starting off in Edinburgh. I couldn't be more excited to ply our first gig here, cause it's been the first place I've been to before even moving to London. I have so many great memories of this place and I want to relive them all. I wake up around 8 in the morning in an hotel room. With Gabe. We've slept together before but it always feels strange. We haven't done that kind of stuff yet and it feels awkward to sleep in the same bed as him, but I still love the fact that I can snuggle up with him. I decide that, since soundcheck isn't before 2 pm, I could go a little bit around to visit the city. I decide not to wake Gabe up, so I leave a note on the pillow and then I text Shan to ask her if she is up for a lil tour. While I wait for a reply I start getting ready trying to make the minimum noise not to wake Gabe up but I don't succeed at all.
"Morning beautiful" he says with his raspy voice that usually has when he wakes up.
"Morning handsome" I smile when I feel him hugging me from behind.
"I didn't mean to wake you up, I'm sorry"
"It's not your fault" he giggles in my ear causing me to giggle as well.
"So you wanted to go and visit a little bit of Edinburgh... can I come with you?"
In that precise moment, I get a text from Shan saying that Sean and her are in trouble.
"Yes, but first I gotta go to Shannon and see what happened"
I exit the room and knock on her door. I am greeted by a shaky Sean.
"What happened"
Shan:" last night I decided to go on the tour bus to get all my stuff in and Sean joined me a few moments after. When we got down we were holding hands and as soon as we noticed that people were around we left each other hand but it was too late and a girl Twitted a pic" she said panicking.
Sean: "Stephanie has texted us already saying that she wants to talk to us"
"Okay okay, calm down. Do you want me to go and talk to her?"
"You don't need to"
We all turn around and see Stephanie at the door.
Steph: "you know that you couldn't date, but you did that anyway..."
Shan: "we love each other, we couldn't break up because of a rule.."
Sean: "I've never been so in love with someone in my whole life, I don't want to loose her because of rules.."
Steph: "calm down guys, me and Courtney decided to ignore this rule cause it is a bit nonsense and useless. You love each other and you should do whatever you want with your life. I hope you are happy together"
With that, she smiles and exits the room. I instinctively hug both of them before leaving the room. I enter the room to find Gabe ready to go out.
"What happened?"
"Sean and Shan got caught, but it's all good cause that stupid rule doesn't exist anymore so they can live their lives happily. Now are you ready to go?"
He smiles and grab my hand before leaving the room. I couldn't be happier today.
Once we leave the building, some fans stop us to take some pictures. We gently agree and take a few and sign some cds and posters.
"Where are we off first?"
"The CASTLE" I say getting a little too excited and causing Gabe to laugh so hard. I love it when he laughs, moreover his laugh is contagious so I start laughing as well. We head to the castle and start visit every single room, until we have to stop at a bar to eat something cause we are both starving. After the castle, we decide to do a bit of shopping since it's never too much and it's soon time to go back to the venue to rehears.
Liam: "where have you been?"
Gabe: "we visited the castle and shopped a bit"
They all laugh and we start the rehearsals. Once we are done, we move all our things in the tourbus, cause that's where we are gonna stay for the next three months. After that, Shannon gets all our make up done and around 5 pm we start the m&g and the actual show starts at 7pm. Over Atlantic are on first. They are amazing on stage, more than I thought (and my stands were high). I get a little bit nervous before getting on stage, but Gabe hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek to help me. I smile at him and go on stage even more ready than I was. We finish our set and the crocus goes crazy cause apparently we did well. It was the first time we actually performed as a band live and I couldn't be more proud of me and my girls. We get off stage and decide to go and have a little party on the tourbus while driving dow to Newcastle, our next stop 👊🏼

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