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I wake up just before the plane lands and my mom starts to get out all out jumpers from the bag we had with us. Once the plane stops and we are ready, we get down and pass all the controls. I stick with my parents the whole time cause they can speak Swedish fluently, meanwhile I can only say a few words. Thankfully my parents thought me some words, so I am actually able to order a coke on my own 😂. Once we are out, we call a taxi and my dad gives all the information about the Gomér's house to the driver and after a few minutes we are off. While we are in the car, I learn that the son is called Gabriel and he is 3 years older than me. My mom looks so excited to be seeing her best friend again, meanwhile I am just really excited just thinking about all the great pictures that I am gonna take during these months. We pull up to a beautiful big house just in the outside of Gothenburg. The place is amazing, but I instantly remember that I am not that good in Swedish... how am I gonna talk to the family?!
"Honey, don't worry, everyone in the family can speak fluent English, there won't be any kind of problems"
"Okay Dad, thanks"
I hug him and we knock the door a bit loudly. After a few moments, a blonde woman opens the door with the biggest smile I've ever seen and screams something like "they have arrived" or at least that's what I understood (with my amazing Swedish skills, may I add).
"You must be Charlotte! You look so gorgeous, just like your mom!" The blonde woman says in an accent that sounds more like a Jamaican one. I blush and thank her, while I introduce myself. We are left to get into the house and I see a man, who must be in his 50s, sat on the couch drinking coffee and reading a music magazine.
"Ohhh here you are! How was the trip?"
"It was so nice! Thanks for asking" replies my dad while hugging him. I'm introduced to everyone but the only person I can't see is the boy.
"Gabriel is out with some friends, he should be home for dinner, so now you can settle in easily"
"Okay, thank you!" Replies my mom.
"I'll show you where you are going to stay" says Gabriel's mom while helping me with my luggages. I reach my room and I'm told that Gabriel's one is the one next to mine, so that if I need any kind of help, he will be there. I thank her politely and I enter the room. It was amazing. *see image*

After I put all my things in a wardrobe, I send a message to Shannon to tell her that everything is alright and that I will FaceTime her after dinner

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After I put all my things in a wardrobe, I send a message to Shannon to tell her that everything is alright and that I will FaceTime her after dinner. I put my phone on charge and I head downstairs for dinner. As I enter the room, I am greeted by a huge table with lots of typical food on it. Once we are all sat down, we hear the front door open and a few moments later, who I believe is Gabriel, enters the door. I am literally frozen. I have never seen someone so beautiful in my entire life. He had (clearly dyed) blonde hair he was wearing a pink hoodie with a white tee coming out from it. He was wearing skinny jeans and black nikes. He was a bit shocked to see us there, like he didn't remember we were going to be staying there for a bit, but he apologized for being late and introduced himself straightaway. Once he sat down, he smiled at me and I immediately noticed that I stared the whole time. I smile back and I turn my face to the ground before starting eating. After dinner, the adults went into the livingroom to watch some tv, meanwhile me and Gabriel stayed in the kitchen
"You must be Charlotte, right? My mom has told me a lot about you.."
I blush, but I still manage to answer "I am and you must be Gabriel... what has she told you about me?"
"That you were a lovely girl and really pretty. I can agree on the second, but I still haven't talked to you, so I don't know if you are lovely" he says while pouring some coffee into two cups and headin to the table. I blush and put my hands down at what he says. I must admit it was cheeky, but his accent omg.
"I was planning to give a stroll into town tomorrow morning, so that I can have an idea of the city..."
"That's no problem, I'd love to come with you. Someone told me that you aren't too good in Swedish *giggles*, but I am here to help you" he smirks at the end. I smile to him before finishing my coffee and getting up
"It's been a long day and tomorrow I gotta get up early, I think I am gonna go to bed now"
"I am going as well, but I gotta check something downstairs before. I'll see you tomorrow morning"
"Wait a second, we are going out for breakfast tomorrow"
"Oh, okay"
He smiles at me and goes down the stairs to do God knows what. I smile all the way up to the stairs and when I am into the room a collapse on the bed smiling like an idiot. I quickly get out my phone and I FaceTime Shan

S: "hey heyyyy, slow down! Do you have a pic of him?!"

I soon realize that I don't follow him on any kind of social media

C: "I actually don't, but I will have one by the end of tomorrow... you gotta wait 😁"
C: "i know babeeee. Now I gotta go, I am texting you tomorrow 😘"
S: "okay babe, love youuuu"
C: "love you toooo"
And with that I end the call. I am so happy right now and I am pretty sure tomorrow is gonna be a crazy day. I quickly change into my pjs and I fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

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