Of course Maria noticed.

"What did you to mi hija?" She asked Maurice. He sighed. I could feel his eyes burning a hole in my back. I turned to face Maria.

"Maria it's nothing." She gave me that we'll talk about this later look.

"So, what you wanted to tell me princess?" My dad said. I explained everything from the doctor appointment to when Jasmine tried to fight me. He kept his eyes on Maurice.

"Everything is going to be alright baby girl. You just have to eat right, take your medication, and don't stress. If and I mean if anything or anyone starts to stress you out, bring your ass here. I don't care what time it is - just come." I nodded.

"Okay daddy I will." I said.

"Go help Maria sexy ass out in the kitchen." He said. I looked at him. He had that love look in his eyes. Dear God no. Don't tell me.

I walk into the kitchen.

"You got some explaining to do mama." She looked at me.


"You and daddy. That's what." She blushed. I started jumping up and down clapping.

"Tell me everything?" We were eating snacks and drinking while she explained to me how it happened. Honestly I'm glad both of them are happy. I knew this was going to happen anyways. Shit she been rocking with my dad before my ungrateful ass mammy. But my "mother" got pregnant and that's how it went. I just hate how it went down tho.

I was young, but I knew a lot. Maria was the mother I wanted. She never did like my mother and I don't blame her one bit.

"Do you love him?"

"Since the beginning." She smiled proudly.

"That's what I'm talking bout momma." I high five her. My dad and Maria are the same age 35. I know right young. Yeah my dad and mom had us at 18. He been in the game since, but he hid it from my momma well. She never expected anything and still doesn't. Maria knew of course, but she kept her mouth shut.

"I'm so happy for y'all. So when I'll get me some brother's or sister's?" She laughed.

"In six months." She said. What she preggy too. Oh hell.

"Daddy know?"

"Not yet, I plan on telling him tonight."

"Why you didn't tell him before?"

"I was scared, but now since you here its better."

"Let's go tell him." We walked out of the kitchen into the living room.

"Papa..." I trailed off. Their attention turned to me. I nudged Maria.

"I'm pregnant." She blurted out. My dad was in a state of shock. I laughed.

"We're - we're having a baby?" He stuttered out. She nodded. I was crying. True love.

"Yes we are."

"How far along are you?"

"Three months."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Cause I didn't know how and I didn't know if you would want a child or not." He hugged her.

"From you, hell yeah. I should've been with you from the beginning. Im so happy!" He kissed all over her face.

I'm so happy for Maria and my daddy. I couldn't help but smile. It dropped 'cause I had to go home with jackass.

The ride home was silent. I walked into the house heading straight for the couch. He followed behind me.

"Can we talk?"

"We talking now." I stated nonchalantly.

"I just want to say I'm sorry. I was wrong before ignoring you for some hoe. She just didn't get that I was with you and was happy. We were going back and forward thru texts."

"You dumb ass. You could’ve said what you had to say hit send and block her hoe ass, but no you argued with her." I shook my head.

"I know and I'm sorry. Can we just start over? Please." I just nodded. We laid on the couch together. I was wrapped in his arms and that's how we were for the rest of the night.

Not Your Average PHAT Girl (Book I) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now