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Getting hold against a wall wasn't my plan for today.

Getting hold by an vampire man in tux either.

Now shall I tell you what? I'm held against a wall and boobies are making it uncomfortable as hell. Wait.... hell is more comfortable then my situation right now.

Best day of my life..... note the sarcasm please.

"Let go of me you damn man!" I yelled struggling in his grip but with my back facing him and boobies facing the wall is not easy as I thought.

"As if. What can you do in your state?" I can feel a damn smirk on his damn face and a damn scoff. Damn it.

..... I'm stuck.... Where is Shiro?

"Ouch!" Ah there she is.

Shiro got thrown against the wall where I am hold against it.

Even though her name is for boys but I find it fits her.

"Take you long enough to show up. By the way why are you got thrown against the wall? I thought you said 'I can handle it just go. '" I mocked.

She looked up at me and I can tell she's pissed of, anyway she's in process to stand up.

"Your longer against the wall." She pointed out.

"Tuchè." <did I spelled it right?>

"Okay but could you eventually... I don't know.... You don't have to but.... Help?" I asked pleading, looking at her and hoping for a yes coming out of her mouth and to adding it "Help" came out of my mouth like I'm a mouse, cause I got held by my neck and this damn bastard in tux didn't mind to tighten his grip.

She rolled her eyes before getting a gun out of her black high waist jeans and aiming for another man that don't hold me against a wall.

From her look on her face and her eyes, I can tell she aimed for the head and shot him straight dead.

God I'm proud that I can tell it by seeing it on her face.

Shiro and I known each other for years and worked as duo for too long that I can tell it now. Shiro is like a sister to me.

Always there when I have my ups and downs. Does some stupid shit with me even when it means getting expelled from school. Here and there some stupid arguments were we end up with either one of us laughing cause of the reason or just yelling some stupid story's at each other's.

You can tell that this friendship is longer than expect most of the other peoples friendship. And this isn't going to break down easily.

The man that hold me let go of me, causing me to fall on my knees and speed walked towards Shiro.

Shiro got her second gun out and shot him between his eyes.

"Satisfied?" She asked, looking back at me, who is trying not to steps in those dead blood suckers after getting up.

It's not easy when we actually already killed like 100 from them in two hours in a building. What? Do you think I want to hang out a whole night here and kill some vampires?

Hehe you think.

"Did I say I love you?" I asked her, walking besides her and looking a bit down since she's shorter than me.

"No but you can say it more often." She looked a bit up and smiled, I returned it and keep walking forward.

Standing now in front of a wall with windows, I break one and was about to jump out professionally when-

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2017 ⏰

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