Tina kept eye contact with Newt for a few seconds before he looked away, his eyes going towards the walls. He'd gotten better with speaking up and eye contact, but mostly it was just with ______. With other people, he was still the exact way he had been months before.

"I'm just trying to look out for her safety, Newt. I don't think these things are acting of their own accordance: beasts don't target no-majs. This thing is, it's not acting normally. I don't want to risk someone targeting her specifically."

"One more reason she shouldn't be alone," Newt told them. "I'm not going to leave her here alone, Tina. I'm sorry. I'm going to go wake her up."

As Newt walked away, he left the two girls speechless, exchanging looks with each other he was sure said something, but he didn't stick around to find out. When he walked into the room again, he caught ______ just as she was finishing putting on her top. "Good morning Newton," she said with a smile, kissing him on the cheek when he was close enough. "You didn't wake me up after five minutes."

"I was just talking to Tina and Queenie, guess I lost track of the time," he told her. "I was just about to wake you."

"Beat you to it." She teased him. "Where are we going to go today to look for this Lethifold?"

"I think that's something we should all discuss, come on," Newt told her, reaching his hand out to her. She took it, immediately intertwining her fingers with his. They walked out of the shared room and back into the kitchen where the two sisters had begun to talk normally again.

As soon as Tina saw the two of them walk into the room, she stood a little straighter. "I think I know who we should go to first for information," Tina began. Newt could tell by her tone that it wasn't somewhere that he was going to like. His fears were confirmed when she continued. "The Blind Pig."

"Are you sure?" Newt asked, his tone suspicious. "Last time I was there, they tipped off MACUSA and nearly got us all arrested."

______ remembered Newt telling her that story. The man running the bar (or, rather goblin she believed) had tried buying Pickett off of Newt and then gotten them all chased down.

"It's where we need to go for information," Tina told him. "And this time, we can just use money. No offering any of your beasts. We'll play it safe."

Newt hesitated. The information they got was good – the situation was not. His other worries were for ______, but last time when they went, they didn't catch Jacob. So ______ should be safe there too, right?

He just wanted this all to get over with so he could have a nice vacation.

"Alright, we should go then," Newt muttered, then turned to ______. "Do you want to change? They dress pretty high-end in that place."

______ smiled, squeezing his hand. "I have one of my self-ironing robes you bought me," ______ told him, her tone elated. "I'll go put it on."

As she disappeared down the hall, Queenie couldn't help but smile at how happy she seemed to be. "You got her a self-ironing robe?" she asked, looking at Newt. "That's sweet."

"I got one for her during Christmas," he began, beginning to scratch the back of his head as a faint hue of red crept onto his face. "And then I may have gotten her one or two more here and there."

______ came back into the kitchen minutes later, wearing the one that Newt got her in her favorite color. "Sorry for the hold up," she told them. "I'm ready when everyone else is."

"Remember where it is?" Tina asked Newt. "We'll get there quicker if we apparate."

Newt only nodded, and ______ took his hand, embracing herself. She'd gotten better at it, you'd never be able to tell she used to get sick seconds after apparating. With a swish of everyone's wand, they were thrown into the familiar sensation of feeling on a high-speed roller-coaster without any safety precautions, what used to be the worst feeling for ______.

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