banana pancakes

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Your POV

You've been in this hospital for who knows how long. The boys visit you every day in groups of three, Corbyn, Daniel, and Jack, on Monday, Wendsday, and Friday. Jonah, Zach and Jack on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and they all come to visit you on Sunday.

The events usually go the same, whoever is there will talk about there day and how much they miss you. But today Jonah and Zach go to have dinner and Jack stays behind. He starts to sing your guy's song, banana pancakes by Jack Jonhson. By the end he's sobbing like a baby. Then, with all the strength you have, you open your eyes.


The next chapter is going to be from Zach and Jonah's POV

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2017 ⏰

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