car ride

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Jonah's POV

As I sit in the car, I look over to Jack and he's passed out on the window. I sigh. Jack is my best friend and so is (y/n), they're the only ones who know my secret. They have helped me get through endless nights of sadness. When I told Jack he was very understanding and (y/n) was even more so. I can't bare to see them hurting. What our manager did was very wrong, and I don't think that Jack will ever look at him the same. I just hope that Zach's ok. He and (y/n) are best friends, two of the closest people I've met. That's why I was kinda hesatent to tell her about my crush on Zach.

Ever since I met him I new something was special about him. But I could never tell him and run the risk of ruining our friendship and the band. I just hope everything is going to be okay with (y/n).



Probably going to upload tomorrow and it will be a scene at the hospital so get ready

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