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Everything stopped.

I just stared at her, shaking my head, not believing her.

"No...no, he's not. I'm gonna c-call him and he's gonna answer" i shakily stutter out.

I click on jae-jae and my phone rings for 30 seconds and then goes to voicemail.


I jump off the couch and scream at the top of my lungs, "HOW!?"

Description of suicidal actions ↓

My mom stands up too, trying to calm me down. "Sweetie he.. he...committed suic-cide​. His mom found him in his b-bathtub with 11 slits on each a-arm.

- Over -

She hugs me.

"11...11...mom, this month is our eleventh anniversary. And I woke up with 11 missed calls.  Oh, I guess it's a great time to tell you I'm dating my fucking best friend. This is all my fault, oh my god"

I sob and run to my room landing on my bed.

"Wyatt Oleff this is not your fault, please open the door"

Talks of self harm ↓

I don't answer her but I throw jeans on and take my shirt off. I stare at the scars littering my hips. I think if I should add more or just leave.

- over -

I was about to decide but my mom starts banging on the door again and I jump. I shake my head and throw a blue hoodie on.

I pull my door open, dodging my mom and running out of the house, down the block, and to Jeadens house. I don't bother knocking and I barge in. Angela was crying at the kitchen table and I run over to her and give her the biggest hug. We stay like that for 5 minutes but I pull away.

"Wyatt,... Jaeden only left one note...And it was for you"

I stood there in shock.

"Wy, he cared about you so much..."


"I think I should tell you then...Me and Jae were -"

"I know"

"Can i... Y'know?"

"On the envelope it said, "Read it at my funeral Wyguy. If anybody cares to give me one" She tries not to sob out, but does.

I run up to Jae's room and slowly open his door. His room looked the same as it did 3 days ago when I last saw him.

I sit on his bed, drowning in the silence.

is he really? 🛁 JyattOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora