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Every single thing I do
Even merely existing
I manage to lose something so wonderful
So good
That something is my motivation to keep getting up every morning and living my life
The loss is my motivation to pick up my fallen thoughts and smear them on a digital piece of paper
I keep pouring them all out until I have nothing left to remember
Nothing left to think about
I hate it so much
Losing yet another reason to live
But it gives me an excuse to step back
Think again
Write again
And forget again
I think it's okay
This method I've made
It helps me win even when I'm losing so much
So what if I lose time?
Lose sleep?
Lose health?
Lose friends?
Lose love?
Lose life?
I know that after thinking and planning
Writing and crying
Forgetting and relaxing
Going at this poem with everything I've got until I'm spent
I win in the end because I was not designed to lose

Dark Words: A Poetry Collection of Words That Reflect How I Feel Day to DayTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon