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I get angry about a lot of things and at a lot of people. Sometimes, I just snap.
I yell, scream, scold, sometimes even get physical.
I get mad.
I hurt people through my words and my actions.
But it's hard to contain.
That negative energy sparking right beneath my skin,
Right behind my eyes,
Right in my heart,
It's too much to hold back in that instantaneous moment.
It's something I need to let out right then and there.
Sometimes, I bite my tongue.
I hold that burning desire to erupt in me for as long as I can
Because I know it will be much worst than my outbursts.
It will be long.
Almost evil.
And I can't let that possibly show,
No matter how much I want to.
This anger slowly decimates my patience.
My humanity.
My fucking sanity.
Tears threaten to escape and roam free,
But no, I hold them in.
I force them away where no one can see,
Just like the thoughts floating about in my mind.
No one must see my anger.
I might be put in jail for it.
Or maybe a mental asylum.
Because for me, it's so much more than anger.
It's madness.

Dark Words: A Poetry Collection of Words That Reflect How I Feel Day to DayWhere stories live. Discover now