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As time flies by, as trees get covered in snow, liberated by the summer sun, and back to be covered with snow once again, the two really get to know each other. Louis and Harry grow closer and closer each day, changing with the speed of light from acquaintances to friends to lovers.

At first Louis is of course wary, torn between thinking that Harry's intentions -and his own confusing feelings as well- are utter sincere, and believing that he, the naive human, is only tricked. That he's part of one of the Pure's sick little games. Just a pion.

And who knows, there's also the possibility that his own mind has made up the mesmerizing lad, as he seemed just too good to exist.

But something, a power of nature perhaps, some sort of gravitation, magnetism, draws him always back to Harry.

Like a day after their first meeting, (Louis likes to call it the first day of After) Louis already finds himself on his way over to the mansion. As Harry was kind enough to let him change into dry clothes the day before, his own drenching from the storm, he decides that it was only polite to go over that day and give them back.

Yes, it's only an act of manners, Louis thinks at first. Everyone would go back to hand over the borrowed clothes, right? But then he remembers that he has dreamt already about the curly-haired Pure vampire, and, well actually he hasn't managed to get him out of his head at all since he met him.

Not yesterday evening as he was mentally admiring Harry's eyes while brushing his teeth, not as he was trying to remember his sweet scent while crawling in bed, not as he was repeating every word the Pure had spoken in his mind while drinking his cup of tea that morning, and certainly not now, as Louis' brain is just one whirlwind of HarryHarryHarry, ravished that he can finally, finally, see him again. (Really, has it only been fourteen hours?)

Louis has to admit it, there's nothing naturally about his infatuation. Certainly not close to something he has experienced before.

So yeah, he hesitates a bit the moment that he's once again standing in front of Harry's door, bag full of clothes clutched in his hands, because, really, why in the world would he trust some kind of vampire?

But then the door gets opened from the inside, Harry apparently has already noticed his presence, and he can't just say no as the rose, plump lips invite him in for a cup of tea, even though he's already had two today. The blue-eyed boy just doesn't stand a single shot against the wonderful creature called Harry Styles.

Louis stays over for the rest of the day, talking about whatever pops up in their minds and eating tons of the delicious lasagne that Harry prepares him.

In the end, he's not that surprised that the two of them are able to fall back in a comfortable atmosphere, giggling and joking with each other. Acting like childhood best friends, not two lads who've just met the day before. They click as two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, made to belong together.


It also doesn't really come as a surprise that Louis moves in with Harry two weeks After. He has stayed too long already in the expensive, but still as disgusting as every other, motel. And well, Louis doesn't feel like leaving Harry to kill vampires again so moving in with Harry is definitely the easiest and cheapest solution. Really, it's only convenient. Besides, rooms enough in that big mansion of Harry. (And if Harry still happens to share his bed with the smaller boy, than that's just to save electricity for the heath. Global warming and such.)

The two grow so close that they can't even imagine a life without the other anymore, soul mates not even close to describing their connection. But still, the kiss of that first day, their first meeting, has not been repeated yet.

The sound of your heart  - Larry stylinson Two shotWhere stories live. Discover now