Operation Evil Love: part 2 Final

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Crow P.O.V
Finally! Ugh this is so infuriating.
Becky tricked me into coming here and doing this stupid T.V show again.
I swear these last 2 girls were a headache.
One girl was extremely spoiled and was a total emotional wreck.
The second girl was even worse.
The second girl was a crazed chick with a sex addiction.
I just hope this ends soon cause I can't take it anymore.
"Now were on to the final woman. This here lady wants to take over the world too, but wishes to rule it with someone she will love".
The crowd awed and I was in no mood to do this again.
Right when I was about to get up and walk out I see far from the crowd Becky, Mayapple, and Malachite laughing and pointing a video camera at me.
What are they up to?
"Our lovely young ladys name is (Y/N) (L/N)"!!!
"Now young lady ask the 3 lucky unknown fellas the questions you have to ask".
Oh bolts, oh my flipping bolts.
I can't believe it, oh god I can't believe it.
My heart is acting up again.
Its beating harder and harder.
I-I-I'm... scared.
A feeling I never thought I would have.
"If we were to get together and finally rule the world would you then see me as a person who is no longer needed or a person you want to keep around for your lustful nights"?
Does she- does she believe that who ever she gets with will do such a thing?
The first man spoke "Well if you truly want my honest opinion as a villain I would do what ever it takes to reach my goal even if it means using you".
I take it back... these are sons of bolts.
The seconded man spoke "lustful nights, if your hot on the other side of this wall then hell yeah lustful nights".
What the!?!
This is a dating show and yet these sorry asses are already looking bad.
"What about you villain number 3... what do you have to say".
She sounds... hurt.
Oh god I can't take this, I don't care if a millions are watching me on live T.V. I have feelings for her and this is my chance to let it out.
"Well unlike these 2... I would love to rule the world with you. I wouldn't just see you as someone who I can use to rule the world with ease, and I don't see you as a woman who can give me lustful nights. I see you as a wonderful partner... a partner who will be by my side till the day I die".
The crowd awed and I blush really hard knowing I'm saying all of this to her and on live T.V.
I see in the corner of my eye that these 2 mother screwers are looking at me with disgust.
Why are they even here anyways?
They didnt act like this towards the other 2 women.
Wait... are they just screwing with them?
Cause if so then that is way to low.
"Wow... thank you villain number 3, you are to kind.
For my second question".


(Y/N)'S P.O.V
As I asked a few more questions those 2 villains were so freaking mean as hell.
I will admit I was hurt cause its almost like villains now a days want women to have sex with them and kick them to the curve.
That was untill villain number 3 spoke.
Now he must be a villain with a sweet heart for women.
He sounded like he cared about me, but he also sounded familiar... way to familiar?
Hmm maybe I should ask a certain questions that only villain number 3 will answer. If Villain number 3 answers this question, then I will know that this villain is non other then him.

Crow's P.O.V
Man I know the other villains are laughing at me.
"My next question is a serious one, I was once a hero who was betrayed by my fellow heroes that left me for dead. What would you do to ease the pain in my heart".
My cold heart began to beat fast but was also in pain.
I look to see the other villains were silenced.
They didn't want to answer a question that they found stupid.
A question... that I already knew how to answer.
"I would chase down those sons of bolts and bring them to you on their knees. I would even hurt them the same way they hurt you. On the floor beaten up, all bloody up, knife still stuck in their backs, laying there for 2 days, and then I would lock them up in the most horrible cell I could think of. I would want them to know the pain you went through, because no beautiful women should go through that kind of pain".
The Crowd then stood silent.
"Thats the most *sniff* fucking beautiful thing I ever heard"!
The person began to clap and soon everyone did.
I see that some of them were crying.
I then look at the back to see Malachite recording me and wiping his eyes. Becky and Mayapple were too clapping for me.
Then the most unexpected thing happen.
I got tackled by... (Y/N)"!!!
"Oh Crow I knew it was you. Only you know what happened to me because I told you how I became the person I am today".
I smiled at her until I felt something warm on my lips.
(Y/N) was kissing me.
My eyes widen in shock until I relaxed my self and kissed back.
"Wow folks look at that. I seen evil love, but this is one of those rare sweet evil love".
We separated and looked at each other.
"Umm would you like to umm... uhh".
Oh god I'm nervous.
"Yes Crow. I would like to go on a date with you".
She smiles and my god I just want to kiss her again.
"Umm heh would you like to go out to the park, amusement park, or maybe umm... what would you like to do".
She taps her chin and grins at me.
"Maybe we could go and kidnap Prince Leo from the kingdom of beasts".
I smiled wickedly and laugh.
"You truly are the girl for me".
I then blushed and covered my mouth, but (Y/N) pulled my hand away and kissed me again.
Oh god I think I'm gonna pass out.

(Y/N) P.O.V
Haha I can see Crow blushing like crazy.
"Crow its ok, besides I was starting to have feeling towards you anyways".
I see him smile, and not those villainy smiles I mean a genuine smile.
"You know when I first saw you I umm... pretty much fell in love. I kept trying to tell my self don't fall in love your a villain and villains don't need love, but I guess my heart wouldn't let me resist you".
She gives me another kiss.
We both look up to see that we were still on stage being watched by the crowd.
"Heh umm we will get going now".
After we left the building Becky came up to me.
"Well this was fast, we all thought it would take all day, but it only took 4 hours. Well nothing else I can do".
I look at her and then began to talk.
"Well Becky were not over yet. The plan to take over the world is still at hand. Get the airship! Were all gonna go on a little trip".
Mayapple looks at me.
"Where are we going? And what are we doing"?
I smiled wickedly at her.
"Were going to the kingdom of beasts to take the prince".
"Oh bolts Crow can we all go another day with out kidnapping anyone".
"Nope ahhahaha"!!!

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