Operation Evil Love: part 1

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Becky's P.O.V
It's exactly 8:00 and the plan is about to begin in 45 minutes. I woke up early to get ready for today, because this day must go smoothly. I can't have any interruptions when these 2 are together. As I am waiting for the mission to start Mayapple walks in wearing a pink tank top, with blue shorts and she had 2 cups of coffee in each hand. She gave me one and sat down next to me. "Thank you... also why are you not wearing your dress"? She giggles at me "Because... if were going to help Crow and (Y/N) get together all day then it is wise to wear something comfortable". "That's true". Hmm the time is now 8:20 and my phone begins to ring. "Hello"? "Oh is this Becky"?
I then began to realize who I was talking to... Malachite.
"Hello Malachite how are you"?
"I'm doing very well, just trying to fix things up that my sister destroyed. Oh and also the show is ready for you guys to arrive and started at 9:00 ok".
Good. Everything is working out according to plan.
"Thank you Malachite, we will be seeing you there".
I hung up and looked at mayapple.
Its time to wake these 2 up.
She nods her head and headed towards (Y/N) room while I went to wake up my Boss.

Crow's P.O.V
Ugh I feel so weird.
I can't stop thinking about (Y/N).
My mind is going left and right, And I don't know what to do.
I'm Crow, the Villain that is supposed to be taking over the world and yet here I am falling for another villain.
One part of my mind is telling me to just forget her, she is just another villain after the same thing you want so she is a threat.
That's one part of my mind, but other part is telling me let my love run wild, kiss her, hold her, show her how much she means to you.
Truthfully as a villain... i'm scared.
Im scared because what if I make the wrong move. Like if I treat her horribly and show her that I care for no one not even her then I will feel guilty in the end and she will hate me.
If I was to love her and just let my love for her take its course then I will losr sight in making the world mine, but for now the only world I wish to make mine... is hers.
*knock knock*
"Who is it"?
"Its Becky sir, I came to wake you up, but I hear that you already are. Get dressed sir were all going out for the day".
Huh? Where the hell are we going?

(Y/N) P.O.V
Crow... he's such a handsome villain.
I never liked other villains, but he is an exception.
I-I I think I'm falling for him.
*knock knock*
"Come in"!
I get up from my bed and turn to see Mayapple walk through the door smiling.
"Hey (Y/N) how you doing this morning? Also get ready".
Eh? I'm sorry what?
"Umm Mayapple... why do i need to get dressed"?
She looks at me and laughs.
"No time just get ready".

"Mayapple I know were now friends and all... but why do I need to wear a blindfold"?
She laughs again.
"Oh you'll see".
I can sense she is smirking.

Crow's P.O.V
"Becky... what is the MEANING OF THIS"!
I shouted in anger.
"Well sir for you see I figured you need to get out and have a couple of days off... and having to finally say the magic words".
Huh!?! What magic words!?!
I then felt Becky push me down on some chair and I feel like I'm being watched.
What's going!?!

Crow and (Y/N) P.O.V
"Ladys and evil gents welcome once again to our T.V. show...
( Both Crow and (Y/N) )
"Wait... WHAT"!!!

Nefarious (Crow X Villain Female Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz