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Hi, I would like to start thanking everybody who has read Girl Called She, voted and comment. You guys don’t know how appreciated I am for every comment and every vote you give me.

I know you don’t think we appreciate it but we actually do, the more you comment and vote for us the more likely we are to upload sooner.

You guys give us the boost to keep on writing.When we get some nice comment or see we have more vote’s today than we had yesterday, it’s like getting an extra energy boost.

But now I would like to ask all of you, What do you want Leah to do next?

What about Hunter?

Would you want to read more about some of the other characters?

So please tell me what you would like to see happen in this book and I will take a look at it. You never know, I might just do what you suggested.

Well over here the easter break just started.. everyone is excited to be able to sleep in...Well the college student’s just started school a week ago after 3 week’s teacher strike so this isn’t anything new for them.. But for me this means I need to work at night instead of in the morning since my son is on easter break from school … I usually use the time he is at school to write.. so I get some peace and quiet.

Well this is enough for this time.. please vote and comment..



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