Escape the Woods

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As we walked to a building, I realized it as A pack house. Damien grabbed my suitcase but I snagged it back.

He frowned at me and walked up the stairs with me. The whole time I keot glaring at him.

We came into a room with grey walls,A kings sized bed with black sheets ,A couch and a flat screen.

Followed by two walk-in closets and a walk-in bathroom.

I ran into the bathroom and hid my suitcase under the sink, For Later...

I grabbed a few blankets and threw them on the couch. I lied a rug on the floor , Grabbed the remote and put on a movie.

I sat up and started to watch the movie as Damien stared at me in Amusement.

"What the hell?" He laughed.

It was deep and tender ,filled with admiration and love . His laugh unknowingly made me smile.

He walked in front of me and unplugged the T.V. Turning it off.

I glared at him before he locked the door.He stood in front of me, glaring me down while lifting his and

showing me his bruises.

"What was that All about?" He asked pointing at them.

"Honestly im Afraid to tell you, Its not actually something I can't blurt out to the world" I said biting my lip and looking down.

"Its the same thing with werewolf's. We can't blurt it out either!!" He practically shouted.

"Shut up, will you!! Also this is ten times more dangerous than a werewolf and a vampire combined"I said standing up.

"It will get me killed"I said looking down and sitting on the bed.

He crouched down next to me. His brown eyes stared at me with love and concern, his eyes were full of determination and he held my hand.

"Nobody will touch you" He said.

I groaned before Getting up and walking to the bathroom. Really?

"What did I say?!" He yelled as I locked the bathroom door.

I looked around again and noticed a small window . It had a small lock that could easily be opened.


I need to risk everything. I slowly crawled out of the window with my suitcase in hand. I nearly smacked my face against the glass, but got my balance.

I gaped at the hieght and Slowly climbed. I went up to the roof , sat and stared at the Dark night sky. Stars and Black filled it.

'god forgive me, Please don't let them see me' I prayed and stood up.

I removed my restrainer and my wings spread apart.I sighed as the breeze blew on them and my feathers ruffled.

The wind blew softly again and I took a deep breath. I held my suitcase to my chest before Jumping.

I leapt into air, it was as if gravity didnt exist. I was like a eagle that leapt into flight.

My wings flapped every two seconds and The moon looked beautiful against my dark wings. I could practically feel the sound of paws padding against the forest floor.

I kept thinking of the song "almost lover" by A fine frenzy.

I followed through and Went down the path to my Uncles house.I saw them On their roof with the same plan as me.

"Hallelujah!!!Hallelujah!!!"I sang in my Angel voice.....

I should explain this.. I should've explained this, an angel voice is when a angel (dark or light) sing a secret song. only angels can hear it, so that's how it is when you hear, 'angel voice' just letting you know.

Their eyes snapped to me before Carol undid My uncles restrainer. he smirked that smirk of his as his wings flew apart, almost making carol fall off the roof. I gaped and gasped at this...

His wings were huge, bigger than mines. Except , he was a Full Dark angel, which meant His wings were pitch black.

Let me tell you....It was ALMOST scary as hell . Hell was way more scarier, let me tell you, I have never been there... but that doesn't mean I don't know how bad it could be.

He wrapped his arms around Carol and then Jumped into the air. It was one of those moments that everything went in slow motion.

each and everyone of his coal covered feathers aligned perfectly and his sculpted chest helped the intimidation factor, he flapped towards me sending a big gust of wind to me.

"OK lets go, be quiet about it" he said flying in front of me, totally ignoring the fact that I looked like I was about to pee my pants.

but either way he got what he wanted, I flapped like a bird and followed him. Im such a coward around him, but soon that will change.

When I become a dark Angel, I will be strong and Fearless. I will make my Uncle be afraid, watch.

looked at my uncle like he had two heads and together we went softly and quietly Flying through the air.

It was then I heard a Howl. It was Damien. He had discovered I had left.

Me and Uncle Padded our wings harder and Soon we were flying like planes. Zooming through the sky faster than hawks.

My heart sped and soon I heard more wolfs howling. it echoed through the dark night and I knew they had our sent.

They can smell me but they cant see me, I thought bitterly.

'Don't look up. Don't look up' I said to myself.

"We need to fly higher!!" My uncle said softly in his deep voice.

"What about Carol? She wont be able to breath" I said to him.

He painfully plucked two black feathers off his wings and Handed them to Carol. she hesitantly stared at him and took the feathers from him.

She put them to her face and breathed in the air. that's right, our feathers were built in the clouds, that means we still have oxygen, no matter what.

"but what about her!! you know she'll get punished, she  is not allowed to be up there, neither are you but you are already a dark angel, you wont get hurt but she will" Carol said pointing at me.

it was true, it was against the rules for a destroyed angel to be up near heaven, god would speed up the process and I would be a lot closer to a dark angel gene.

it will be painful, and I would regret it, but we need to escape the wolfs, the vapor in the clouds would hide our sent and we would be able to escape.

I would take all the pain earth can give if it means our safety.


With my decision made, I Looked up and Burst up through the clouds. Water coated my dark wings as white surrounded me ,I sucked in the air as I faced my doom. 

I knew I was going against the Rules and that i'd be punished...but we needed to escape the woods.

DestroyedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora