The thought of him taking me to Zack had my legs crossing and my arms wrapping around my body protectively. Remembering the day where Zack nearly raped me, I knew without a doubt that if he were ever to get his hands on me again, he would surely finish what he had started.  Nevertheless, as much as that terrified me, what he was going to do to me after he had gotten what he wanted scared me more.

The driver then startled me as he shoved something cold onto my lap. Looking down I was happy to see that it was only a bottle of water. My heart slowly began to slow down as I chugged down the water thirstily. After a few seconds, I plucked up enough courage to finally ask the many questions that have been tormenting and torturing me since I had been bailed. “Where are you taking me and why did you bail me out?” I asked sounding much more confident than I felt. Only silence filled the van and just when I was going to ask him, again, he spoke up. “Anastasia even though I know you won’t believe a word I say; I am actually here to help you. I need to keep you safe, that is my job whether you believe me or not, that it is up to you.” I could tell he was telling the truth but I still felt on edge, I didn’t feel safe.

 As if he had read my mind, he spoke up again. “Look I can’t tell you much but I can tell you this Tyler is not who you think he is. Isaac is going to be just fine, he woke up from his comma last night and Zack is going to go down very soon. I know you’ve been through a lot and you have every right not to trust anyone but please I really need you to trust me right now. I promise on my children’s lives that I will never lay a finger on you or harm you in any way.” Although he wasn’t staring right at me as he was concentrating on the road a head, I knew he was speaking the truth.

The silence for the rest of the journey wasn’t as uncomfortable as before we spoke but it wasn’t comfortable either. I did however feel like I could trust this man. Whether it was what he had told me earlier, or just knowing he had children, I’m not sure but I didn’t feel as if he was going to kill me at any second. He had also reassured me that he was not taking me to Zack, which also lifted a huge weight of my mind. In addition, what made me feel even surer to trust this man, was by the way his body would go rigid and the way his voiced hardened when he spoke of Zack. I could tell he wanted him gone as much as I did but what Zack had done to him I hadn’t a clue, and I sure as hell  didn’t want to risk asking him just encase he blew up on me.

As we approached what looked to be a mansion my eyes nearly popped out of my head. It was beautiful and if it weren’t for the armed security surrounding the place it would have been my fairytale house.

 It was so not, what I was expecting to see at all because I was really expecting to arrive at some run down place or even one of those unit types of buildings. I started to feel more anxious as we neared the mansion as there waiting by the massive open front door, was four suited men but not like the normal businessmen you’d see every day. These men looked in some way powerful and I don’t mean in strength either, the aura that surrounded them told me these men where very high up in whatever they did.

One of the men stepped forward and opened the door for me, although deep down I knew I was safe, I didn’t feel it. Tears streamed down my face as I shook and as hard as I fought to stop both the tears and my body from shaking I couldn’t. Then from out of know where my mum and dad came running to me. My mum ran into the man pushing him away from me, if it weren’t for the position I was in right now I would’ve laughed.  My mum was much smaller then the man but the way she just rammed into him and knocked him out of the way looked hilarious. However, right now I just felt so relieved that they were here with me, safe.

 “MUM, DAD” I screamed as they both hugged me. It was a very squashed and awkward hug but I didn’t care, I was just so happy to be in the arms of someone I could not only trust but whom I loved more than anything in this world. “Oh Anastasia we were so worried about you. Please don’t ever and I mean ever fly off like that again you hear me?” my mother scolded me but it came out more as relief than a scolding. “I’m sorry” was all I said as my dad picked me up and carried me towards the house.


I have a massive treat for you all!

Up next is going to be Tyler’s POV

Where do you think they have taken Anastasia?

I know a few of you are feeling confused but that’s the mystery lol

Everything will be clear by the end of the next chapter

Thanks a million for reading voting and commenting

Love you all as always Mel xoxo

Stalking My Revenge (Sequel to Unbearable Silence)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin