Chapter 26: Resisting temptation

Start from the beginning

Ezra's mouth hung open. He sat there, gaping at Alice. The woman bit his lower lip, "I'm sorry for it to come out like that. But he's disturbed. I think that you have to talk to him, Sir. Sorry if you would find this intrusive, but if I may be so bold to say; as his father, you should be able to communicate with him. Especially at times like this. Hunter may appear bubbly and happy, but he is, deep inside, depressed at some point."

Ezra found his voice after gathering his strength, "Thank you for bringing this to me, Alice. I'll talk to him."

Alice nodded, "Yes, sir."


Green had arrived first at the house. He did not expect to find a lively house, with lights all around. It was just sp far away from how Hartford projects himself as when in school. But nevertheless, he straightened his shirt and with one last look at his car's side mirror, he knocked.

A black toned woman opened the door, with a boy with green, green eyes peering behind her. What was different about the boy was that he had a cannula on his nose.

The boy's eyes sparkled, then offered him a smile, "Hello! You must be Mister Gerard. Hi! I'm Hunter! Pleased to have you for dinner." The boy offered him a hand, which Gerard took. The hand was warm.

"Uh, hello. You must be the Professor's son."

The boy shrugged, "Yes! That's me. Why don't you come in? This is Alice, by the way. She's our family friend and this is her daughter Stacie," he says, gesturing to a girl on the sofa. The girl smiled shyly at him and Green smiled back.

"Dad!" Hunter called and Gerard turned to see his professor nodding towards him.

"Good evening, Mister Green. I am sure you have met my son and Alice and Miss Stacie."

Gerard nodded, "Yes, sir."

"We're gonna wait for Jesse and Andrew. Is it gonna be okay if you hang out with me for a while, Mister Green?" Hunter's green eyes looked so much like emeralds as he looked at Gerard. Gerard nodded and smiled, "Why not?"

Hunter ushered the boy into the house. He invited the boy into the drawing room and started talking to the boy. Gerard seem to be a carefree boy. Gerard did ask Alex about his background. He told Green the same story he rehearse before joining the muggle world.

They got along pretty well. They were talking until they were called to the dining room for dinner.

Alice pushed Ezra's wheelchair towards the table as Jesse and Andrew arrived. Hunter greeted his friends and thanked them for worrying about him.

At the sight of the two, Gerard seemed to have been overwhelmed, and as such, he retreated and tried to make himself as small as possible.

But Hunter had other ideas. He beamed and guided his two friends to where Gerard was, "Jeese, Andrew, I would like you to meet Gerard Green. Gerard, this is Jesse, the infamous daughter of Doctor Wells, and Andrew. Just Andrew."

Gerard was uncomfortable and tried to smile. Instead, it came out as a forced smirk, his eyes not meeting the two other pairs. Hunter seemed to have noticed, and somehow managed to get Stacie to talk to Jesse and Andrew.

"What's wrong?" Hunter asked.

Gerard shrugged and tried to act nonchalant, "Nothing. Why? There's nothing wrong at all. I'm fine."

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