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by sloanranger

You're not really sick, it's only a trick  

of forces allied against us;

forget silly chatter, life is what matters,

hold on to each other, we must.

Mortality sackers, eternity slackers,

think we will come to our senses.

They cannot know, the more doubts grow,

the more we strengthen defenses.

We're well constituted, eminently suited,

to take on the current mission;

the universe chose two, myself and you,

un-used to defeat or submission.

'Real-eyes' our nature, further to make sure,

we launch and complete this venture.

We'll save what we can, not everyman,

but our own and ourselves of course, first;

bring those along, others who're strong

and cause downward trends to reverse.

I won't speak of this, again for awhile;

it isn't my job to scare you.

But love hold on, keep wearing your smile

and just be glad, that I care for you.

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