Chapter Thirty Seven

Start from the beginning

"Your mom used to eat so much Rocky Road when she was pregnant with you," I inform Henry. A small smile tugs at the corner of my mouth from just the thought of Emma and I back then, so young and carefree.

"Remember when you went out to buy me a pint and Ruby walked-"

"Stop right there Emma!" I scold holding up a hand.

My wife leans forward and bites my open palm. She scrapes her teeth against my flesh with her adorable nose crinkled.

"You're impossible," I mock rolling my eyes.

"You're adorable!" She counters with a cheeky grin.

"You're both annoying!" Our son complains contorting his features into a disgusted look.

"Don't call your moms annoying," I reprimand as I shoot Henry a stern look.

"Aw Gina, we got our first 'annoying', I'm sure we are going to hear the sweet sounds of, 'mom you're embarrassing me' soon," Emma teases in a sticky sweet tone as Henry rolls his eyes once again.

"Can I please have my ice cream now?"

Emma leans on her elbows across the island and pouts out her thin lips. Henry holds her gaze in challenge while I watch both of my two-favorite people with nothing but love.

"Tell us, you love us!"

"Fine, I love you moms," Henry groans as his eyes dart toward his feet. His freckled nose and cheeks flush from embarrassment only prompting smiles to form from Emma and I.

My wife scoops more ice cream into his bowl and slides the bowl across the countertop. Henry is quickly to catch the bowl with both hands and smiles shyly into his dessert.

"Man, what are we going to do with you when you're fifteen," Emma mocks and I can't help but smile at the two.

I love their playful little banter. My eyes drift down to Emma's stomach, still flat and no signs of our tiny peanut growing inside. I love our little family and can't wait for the next one.

I wonder if our next baby will resemble Henry? Or if this little one will be the spitting image of Emma. I wonder if it's a boy or a little girl hiding in there. I wonder if Henry will be too old to pay any real attention to his younger sibling.

All my wandering thoughts are quickly interrupted when the doorbell rings. My heart stops brutally knowing who awaits on the other side. Emma flashes me a half smile before she resumes eating her ice cream, straight from the container, just like a child.

I leave my two children behind in the kitchen and trudge my way to the front door, dreading the disapproval and judgement that waits on the other side. I take one deep breath to compose myself and yank the front door open. To my surprise both my parents are standing on my porch.

"Daddy!" I squeal throwing myself against his chest.

I haven't seen my father in ages. I know my mother has her husband on a short leash, but I forgive him for following her foolish orders, I am just so happy to see him. My father wraps his arms around my torso and lifts my feet off the ground, despite the fact that I am now taller than the man. He's just a few inches shorter than I and the extra weight he's put on doesn't go unnoticed. I sigh when I realize he's just growing older and his almost bald head is just a reminder.

"Regina," my father gasps as one hand protectively cradles the back of my head as if I were still a small child.

Emma must have heard my squeal because she comes running into the living room with curious eyes and an excited smile forming upon her lips. I pull away from my father and introduce him to Emma. She smiles brightly knowing how much this man means to me, well to us since our son is named after him.

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