He finds out you're pregnant (Part 1)

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Did not proof read sorry.

Emilio: You hadn't been feeling very well for the past week, so you went to talk to Nick because he was your team 10 best friend. You told him how you were feeling and he said that he thinks that you might be pregnant. He told you that you should take a test just to be sure. "I'll take you to the store if you want" you nodded your head, then both of you were off to the store. When you got back to the team 10 house, you went into Erika's old room, to the bathroom. "I'll be in the office of you need me" said Nick. You closed the door but didn't lock it. The instructions said to wait 3 min.(idk how these work😂) you stepped out into the room and closed the door. There was mumbling outside the door before you see Emilio step in with Nick. He looks at you and then to the stick in your hand. "What's going on" Emilio said. Just then the timer on your phone rings and you look at the test. Emilio steps closer "Y/N...is that" you nod your head. Your eyes are brimming with tears. "Are you?..." You nod your head again and he pulls you into a hug. "I hope those are happy tears because I know I'm happy" You smile relieved that he's not mad. He kisses you and Nick says "congrats you two and I'll leave you two alone" and shuts the door. You and Emilio sit on your bed. "When do you want to tell everyone else?" You ask. "Wherever you're ready... maybe tell everyone in the house before we announce it publicly" You nodd and then you guys cuddle and watch movies for the rest of the day.

Anthony: You found out you were pregnant 2 days ago but You haven't told Anthony because you were scared of what his reaction might be. You decided to finally tell him but you wanted to tell him in a unique way. Just then Chance asks you if You want to go to the grocery store with him. "Sure" you say and make a list on your phone of the supplies you need to bake the cake. •~• At the store•~•
As you're gathering your supplies, Chance speaks up, "Are you baking a cake or something?" You nodd your head concentrated on what kind of mix to get. "What's the special occasion?" He asks. You look up. "I didn't want to say anything until I told Anthony but..." He looks at you seriously. "But what?!" You look at him and smile "I'm pregnant!" His eyes widen as he smiles. "Oh My God!! Congrats! I'm so happy for you guys!! I'm gonna be an uncle!!!" He brings you into a hug. "Oh, the cake is how you're gonna tell him?" You nodd. "I want to see his reaction so bad!" Then you guys pay for everything and head to the house. •~• At the house •~•
"Hey Chance?" "Yea?" "Can you please keep this between us until I get the cake? And please distract everyone?" "Sure" "thanks" Then you head inside to bake while chance takes everyone to go watch a movie. •~•Time Lapse•~•
You finish the decorating the cake and head upstairs to change and did your hair and makeup. As you reach the bottom of the stairs, you hear the door open and in comes the squad. "Hey guys! How was the movie?" Everyone mumbles their response as they all head to their rooms. Anthony walks up to you. "The movie was boring especially without you there." He said. "Aww, actually I have something for you" you lead him towards the kitchen. "Cover you eyes and sit down" you say as you set a plate and a fork in front of him. He does as he's told and you put the cake in front of him. On the count of 3 open your eyes. You are chance walk in recording and you smile. "One.....Two.....Three!" He opens his eyes and reads the cake. "Wait does this mean?" He looks at you and you nodd. "HEY GUYS, EVERYONE!! I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!!!!" Everyone runs into the kitchen to see what the screaming is about. You guys celebrate for the rest of the day.

《 wasn't going to make it this long but I wanted to give more of a story but I also didn't want to keep u guys waiting so yes I'm going by two's for this category. Anyways.... The new characters are going to be.... should I say or should u guys wait until I post them. 🤔🤔 I have the winners already so you guys will find out soon enough. You can even look back at the comments of u want to know already 😂😂》

♡Instagram: @kadestan_lange and @gray.dolan29 ♡

◇If u have any suggestions, feel free to leave it in the comments or message me.◇

Team 10 Preferences CompletedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora