my first TWD imagine!!!! Carl and patrick evesdrop :0

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( you and beth are having a normal bff talk about normal teenage girl things boys, cloths whatever but things take a turn when crushes and boundries are mentioned and who's ears are listening that shouldn't be?)

'' So what about daral?'' beth asked nudging me playfully

'' I dunno... probably a 8. I mean he's cute for a guy old enough to be my dad.'' *you both laugh* ''but he's good at tracking and stuff too plus when he's around Judith he's like a super dad.'' beth wiggled her eyebrows at me making me double over laughing

'' so what about Patrick?'' I asked plopping down on the cot next to her in the cell

''hmmm, well I guess he's kinda cute in a geekish sorta way. not my type though and he's abit young for me too.'' she said her face crinkling like she was actually thinking hard about how cute Patrick may or may not be '' ill say about a 6 and a half.'' she said genuinely grinning pleasantly at a poster on her tac board. it was of a really hot guy maybe 25 in a clothing ad from a magazine.

'' so if patricks too young and darals too old that leaves you at a no boyfriend situation beth.'' I said giving her a too bad for you look

''well I would date someone older, like if we found taylor laughtner wondering around in the woods id scoop him up real quick.'' she giggled and I just rolled my eyes

'' so now we are left with carl?'' beth said in a voice that made her sound like she was on the verge of falling asleep, my face felt hot. ivde always had a slight... well big crush on carl. the way his long brown hair always stayed in perfect place,the way his beautiful ocean blue eyes sparkled, his smile, him.

''uh... I. don't. know.'' I said trying to sound like I didn't care sadly my acting skills were failing me.

''oww'' beth cowed '' you've got a crush on carl don't you.''

she sounded like an interigater.

'' well...I...uh.'' I tried to piece together a reply but she quickly started tossing questions around like I was being quizzed

''how long? what do you like about him? does he know? does anybody know? do you think he likes you back?''

I quickly grew frustrated. I mean this wasn't 20 questions! '' yes alright. fine. I like carl. I have for a while, no he doesn't know nobody does... or did atleast. I don't know if he likes me back. and I like... everything about him.'' my face felt really hot and I knew I was blushing intesncley. great.'' I like the way his hair falls over his eyes when he tilts his head, I like the way his eye light up when he smiles, I like the way he laughs when he hears a joke, I like when he tries so hard to be tough, I just... I like everything about him.''

beth smiled at me and I heard two sets of footsteps come around to the cells entrance. I jerked my head around and saw a red faced carl and a awkward looking Patrick. they were listening to me and beth. how could they! now carl knows how I feel.

''WERE YOU GUYS EAVESDROPPING ON US?!'' beth yelled obviously furious

'' well... um we didn't mean too... we just sorta... listened for awhile.'' Patrick said his voice crackling under the pressure. beth can be pretty intimidating when she wants to be.

''HOW COULD YOU GUYS! THATS SO NOT COOL! LOOK Y/N MUST BE SO EMBARASSED NOW! GREAT JOB GUYS!'' beth kept ranting on and on about how big of jerks they were but I couldent take it anymore. I burst into tears and ran out of the cell and to my own cell. I closed the curtain behind me making my cell look dark and gloomy. I hopped onto my cot and buried my face into my pillow crying and sobbing loudly into I. I was utterly humiliated. I heard some footsteps outside my cell I heard my curtain open and felt someone lay down beside me. I thought t was beth coming to comfort me... until I heard his voice...carl.

''im sorry y/n, I didn't mean to embarrass you... we just... I...'' he tried to piece together the right things to say but all I cared about was the horrifying trama I had just indured.

'' please just stop crying y/n. please.'' carl sounded like he was on the verge of tears aswell. I pulled the pillow away from my tear stained face and and sniffled

'' y/n... can I tell you something embarrassing? then we can be even.'' I hardly thought that this perfect boy could have a more humiliating secret and I didn't think we could ever be even but I nodded anyway.

he took in a big gulp of air like he was about to dive into the deep end of a pool. ''Well... y/n, I kinda have a crush on...'' my heart sank as I knew he was going to say beth. why wouldn't he love beth everyone does shes sweet, pretty, an amazing singer, and great with Judith. whats so special about me.

''you.'' my eyes widen and I stared directly into his... I was speechless. I turned my head and looked at the floor because I had begun to blush...hard.

''y/n?'' I turned my head to look at him and was about to respond with a yeah, but my lips met with his. they moved in sync and the kiss lasted a few seconds. when we separated I smile swept across carls face.

'' we even now?''he asked I pecked his cheek and giggled

''were even.''

the end (sorry its so long :3)

my first TWD imagine!!!! Carl and patrick evesdrop :0Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin