Chapter Six: A Plane Ride To A New Land

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Y/N was called into Miku's room early in the morning, he was told that he was to get to know her better. He walked in at the worst time.

Miku screamed and threw the navy blue sleeveless shirt she was holding at Y/N, he immediately slammed the door shut and held his back against the door. His cheeks were cherry red and his heart was beating a mile a minute. He heard a camera shutter, looking in that direction only earned himself another camera shutter. After the bright flash and the temporary blindness he saw nothing there but an empty hallway. The door he was against opened. Y/N almost fell into the room but luckily regained balance before he fell. Miku was siting on a blue chair with the same navy shirt and some blue camo shorts. "S-sit down!" She was beat red as well. Her hair was straight and reached the back of her knees. Y/N did as he was asked and promptly sat down. "Now I'm sure you know my name and I know yours so there is no need for introductions."

While the two were chatting amongst themselves the manager had already taken a seat in her room as well. "Okay. We have a slight problem. Miku's ratings have dropped around a sixth. We hope to fix this by preforming in our next location a little earlier than we planned. Sorry for the inconvenience Y/N but we're all going to Paris.

Over the next couple of days Y/N and Miku barley saw eye to eye. Between Y/N packing all his stuff and dealing with an upset Lillie he had no time to see her. Y/N walked with Miku and the Manger through airport security with no problems. Fans were crowding outside of the barrier set up by police. Many shouted threats at Y/N but he came prepared. He pulled out earmuffs, the ones you'd find builders using, and placed them over his ears. Smiling slightly Miku looked at Y/N's antics. They boarded a huge private aeroplane with an image of Miku plastered on both sides with the text 'Hatsune Miku' to the right of the image. Y/N shouted due to his earmuffs, "Isn't it weird to see a massive image of yourself on a plane?" She nodded. Y/N took of his earmuffs and placed them round his neck. The manager sat at the front of the plane while Y/N and Miku were sent to sit together. They were silent as the plane took off the ground and started increasing altitude. Miku broke the silence, "this feels rather forced doesn't it?" Y/N turned to look at her. "It really does. If it wasn't for this stupid soulmate thing we probably wound even give each other a second glance." She nodded in agreement.

"I guess we should make the most of what the gods chose for us."

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