Chapter Three: A Show That Lead To Suspense

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The floor produced soft footsteps, rebounding the sound of hard shoes connecting with it. He walked onto the showroom, where the night of the year was planned to take place. "Troy, is the camera set up correctly?" A dark haired man called to the light brown hair boy. Troy quickly straightened his back and nodded with nervousness, "yessir!" The man cracked a small smile and walked away. "This show is a once in a lifetime opportunity people! No slaking!" He called to the other workers. People rushed around the studio, show lights flashed as the stage was prepared.

Miku shuffled in her seat, unknowingly scratching her back. She didn't want to do this. The car came to a halt. Miku and her manager exited the vehicle and walked inside the building.

Y/N scanned through different boards, each one filled with new stories to tell. He read through a flame-war about the girl he couldn't escape from.

-So this morning I found out that I had Miku's name on my back!

-No way, it was on mine!

-I saw it in my mirror as well, so your statement is invalid

-You can't see their name on your back though a mirror, stop throwing around lies!

Closing down his computer, he turned on his television. Only fifteen minutes until the show starts. The clock chimed a quiet tune, ticking in rhythm. Y/N couldn't help but click his fingers to the tune. His gentle clicking became mixed in with a tapping on his leg. His tapping was a faster beat to the rest, three taps for every one click. After that he let his imagination run wild, completing ignoring the tv, creating his own tune.

Miku was currently in a changing room with one of the photographers, due to Miku's complaints they had a female photographer come in. To get a full shot of the name they had to get have Miku almost nude, she couldn't wear a bra until they had the shot. She quickly covered herself up with her arms. "Alright, now relax and keep your back straight, darling." The photographer told her in a reassuring voice. She clicked her camera and took the photo. "So, what does it say?" Miku asked flustered. "Sweetie, we can't show you that 'till the end of the show" The photographer gave her a sly smirk and walked out of the changing room. Miku quickly grabbed her bra and put it on, then put her black shirt on top.

Lights buzzed as the show came to an end. "Hang onto your seats ladies and gentlemen because now is the time you've all been waiting for! It's time to reveal the name that will change someone's fate. It's time to reveal the soulmate of the one and only, Hatsune Miku!" The crowd roared, jumping up and down. 'Alright folks, I'm going to read off the name to you all, best of luck to you all!"

They're treating this like a game show. Why is my life a game show? I guess it makes sense really, everything that happens to me is on the internet. Every conversation I have, every meal I eat. I guess my life really is some sort of show.

"Ready folks? The name is.......Y/N L/N!" The crowd died down, they all looked around at each other, silent whispering was scattered around. "...It seems like they're not here." Miku sighed in relief. After the show Miku's manager started a search to find the person named Y/N L/N.

The reveal of famous pop star, Miku, leads to millions of outraged fans across the globe.

Were you the soulmate of pop star, Hatsune Miku?

Manager starts search to find soulmate of pop star, Hatsune Miku.

Thousands claim that they are Y/N L/N. None are confirmed or denied.

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