Chapter Four: A Fateful Encounter That Shook The World

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"Aww yeah! I was right!" Lillie screamed through the phone. "Isn't what they're doing now illegal? The can't force people with the same name as me to show them their backs, can they?" Y/N asked, completely confused. "When you're rich almost nothing is illegal. I don't see why they don't check their birthday as well, it's definitely lower the amount of people they'd have to check." Lillie stated. Y/N wondered downstairs. "Dude, you should totally come round my place, I need to make another video for YouTube!" Lillie inquired, Y/N agreed and went outside.

After locking his house he set off on a journey. While walking he was stopped by a man in a a black suit with a baby blue tie. "Sorry about the inconvenience young man but we've been doing a check on the area and you match the description and photograph of a person in this town callled Y/N L/N." he paused for a moment to check a clipboard he held with a few sheets of paper clipped to it. "Is this your name?" Y/N nodded apathetically and grimaced at the thought of the amount of harassment and hate he was about to receive for something he didn't even decide. "Alright, if you'd kindly step over behind this curtain for a soulmate search.

Soulmate searches weren't unusual when a rising star of one of their children reached the day of bondage. They'd usually do it less publicly but with a pop star like Miku everything that happened was seen by her fans.

Y/N stepped behind the rugged piece of cloth they used as a 'curtain', they obviously weren't getting paid much for this. Another man was waiting there, he was shorter and a little chubbier than the last man, but not overweight on any level.

His smile was naturally kind looking and brung smiled to other people's faces, but despite this fact, Y/N was not smiling. He, in fact, had a look of displeasure. "Alright, if you could take a seat on that stool over there and show us your soulmate that'd be splendid!" To Y/N this felt more like highway robbery than a quick check, but ignoring his better judgement telling to break into a sprint and run for it he lowered himself onto the chair and lifted his shirt.

The taller of the two nearly spit his milkshake he got from the shop opposite of where we were. "Alright kid, thank you for getting us a major pay rise. You're gonna need to come with us, the boss wants to speak with you, personally." Y/N gulped at the passive aggressive manner he was speaking in.

While the black car they were driving in rumbled across roads, Y/N starred out of his tinted window and sighed. His phone started ringing a catchy tune that Y/N had placed on it not too long ago, "where are you!?" A voice shouted over the phone. It was Lillie. "I've been worried sick, you haven't answered any of my texts." She sounded like she'd just had multiple heart attacks and was out of breath. "I'm sorry Lillie, those weird back checking people saw me and it seems you were right." Lillie hummed for a moment, "Told you I was right. Now don't forget about me just because you're soulmates with a celebrity!" Y/N chuckled, "I won't forget you!"

Miku sat by her manager, who was taking a phone call from the shorter guy from earlier. "So you've found him, good. You will be rewarded for this." He cackled, as he quickly typed in a different number and got on another call. Miku thought to herself, what would her mysterious lover be like, what would he look like, what does he like? A car arrived shortly and three people entered the room that Miku and her manager were in. "Boss we've brought him." Y/N stepped ahead of the two men and into the sight of the them.

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