CHAPTER 56: The Leader, the Ghost Little Sister and the Text Message

Start from the beginning

"Practicing to be a ghost. Just in case a test-of-fear is held." She answered, half in sarcasm.

Sanada bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling. Her sarcasm had a tinge of humor in it. Well, at least she knew exactly how ridiculous she just looked at the moment.

He had heard from Yukimura that the Seigaku manager was a queer girl. She was a hot topic among some of the players. It seemed like the rumors were true. Tezuka must be quite pre-occupied. "Do you know what time it is? You shouldn't be loitering around at night." Sanada scolded.

"Hai, hai, danchou. (Yes, yes, Leader.)" Ryouko said and with a heave, carried the weight of her torso towards an upright position.

"Danchou?" Sanada said questioningly.

"Well, you are our team captain, but I can't call you Buchou. For me, there's only one Buchou. Tezuka-buchou dake. (Only Captain Tezuka.)" Ryouko answered, using both palms to propel herself off the wall.

"I see." Sanada commented. From what he assessed, she seemed much more talkative than he thought.

"Should I call you Kaichou (President) instead?" Ryouko said, smirking.

"Do whatever pleases you." Sanada replied. "Now be a good girl and run back to your cabin. It's midnight already." He told her.

"Cheh. Kodomo atsukai ka? (Tcch. Treating me like a child, huh?)" Ryouko said under her breath.

"Kodomo dakara sa. (It's because you are a child.)" Sanada remarked.

Ryouko rolled her eyes. "Hai, hai, Danchou-san." She said in dismissal, placing both hands behind her neck, fingers intertwined. She started to march back to the direction of the girls' cabin.

Sanada took his jersey jacket off and followed her. "Wear this on your way back. It's pretty chilly." He said, handing it to her.

"Ii yo. Daijoubu dakara. (It's fine. I'm alright.)" She answered.

"Don't be stubborn now and do as you're told." Sanada scolded. Somehow, he did not feel strange talking to this girl. He normally did not talk that much. Her vibe was very likeable, like a little sister he never had.

Ryouko was eyeing the jacket, making no intention to grab it. "Just do as you're told." He said sternly, brandishing the jacket in front of her.

Ryouko sighed. "You know, Danchou, you're much more of a busybody than I've thought. You should just let me mind my own business." She said as she was forced to take the jacket.

"If you get sick, the whole camp would be affected. And you are our team's representative. It's a given that I correct your foolish actions." Sanada told her as they walked side by side.

"Foolish? That's a strong word." Ryouko said, feeling amused rather than annoyed. Normally, she would've bursted in irritation. She hated being underestimated. But Sanada had this vibe that reminds her of both Tezuka and Setsuna. Like an older brother character, one she never actually had if she doesn't consider her cousins. "Anitachi wa mou unzari dakedo. (I've got enough of older brothers though.)" She thought.

"While we're on the topic of loitering around, aren't you guilty of the same crime? Why are you out here anyway?" Ryouko asked.

"Things were not going very well inside some cabins and people had been seeking my help. And so I just went out for a breath of fresh air. Thankfully, they've all retired to own places and stopped their complaints." He answered.

Ryouko laughed. "That's an elaborate explanation. It's as if I really am interrogating you for committing a crime." She said.

Sanada was a bit pissed off.

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