Rose: Oh god, I'm crying...

She wipes her tear

Catherine: Fine then! I'm gonna prove you guys are wrong.

Catherine grabbed Hawk's collar

Catherine: And I'm not gonna help you guys for help when it's true... No mercy. At. All.

She let go of Hawk's collar and walk away.

Rose: Oo... That's sound serious... Hawk, you should say sorry to her

Hawk: Nah... Maybe she's just having her period...

They both laugh

Catherine's PoV

If I'm gonna prove they're wrong, I need an assistant... Like, my classmates! Let's see...

Positive mind:Jade!

Negative mind:She's good at spying, but she's not a good secret keeper...

Positive mind:What about Robin?

Negative mind:Uh, never mind.... He's pretty gross and creepy...

Positive mind:Hazel? Nah, she's the author...

Negative mind:She's gonna give us spoiler...

Positive mind:Jasmine? Who am I kidding? Jasmine is Hazel!

Negative mind:Ruby? Nope.

Negative mind:The orange girl (Summer)? Not gonna happen.

Positive mind:The boys?

Negative mind:You must be blind.
Positive mind: Then who???

Negative mind: Well, you must think of something... And quick!

Positive mind: Why me?!

Negative mind: Cause you're the smart part of Catherine!

Positive: Ugh, fine... What about Kate?

Negative: But we're not too close to her...

Positive: Let's just give it a try!

Here it goes...

Catherine: Hey! Kate! Are you free?

I ran to her

Kate: I'm free. What's up?

Catherine: I need your help...

*long explanation*

Kate: Ooh, okay! What should we do first?

Catherine: First, I have this GPS tracker and we're gonna put this on their shoes. When I turn the GPS tracker on, you're gonna follow them.

Kate: Wait, if we're gonna follow them, why do we put the GPS tracker on them?

Catherine: Good question. Besides following, we also have to hear their conversation.

Kate: Nice... Wait, where did you get the GPS thing?

Catherine: This thing? I got it from the future! So I got this time machine that can travel time and go to the future!

Regal Academy Fanfic: A Tale of Two Kingdom Where stories live. Discover now