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Tom stared at Tords teary eyes.  He knew he was drunk but he gotta do something.  He quickly grabbed Tords wrist realizing he was in pain.  He quickly let go of his arm and looked at him worried.

"Tord.... What happened to your wrist? " Tord backed away slowly scared of what Tom might think of him.  Tom them grabbed Tord and rolled up his sleeves only to reveal cut marks on his arm some were even still fresh.

"TORD!!! " Tord flinched and looked down ashamed.  He didn't want to say anything.  Not to Tom.  Not when he feels guilty or envy. Tom grabbed Tords hoodie and  sighed  deeply. Why  did  he  feel  he  was  gonna  regret  this  later on? He  them  picked  up  tord  and  carried  him  as  if  he  was  on  a  piggie  back  ride. Tord looked his eyes with Toms non existing ones.  Tom felt not guilt...pain?  Was it pain Tom felt.  He couldn't really tell cause he was drunk.

"Tord... Lets get you healed up.... Okay? " Tord just nodded and followed Tom to the restroom.

(Slight make out warning later in the story fyi)

"Im  sorry  Tom..."

"Tord  you  don't  need  to  apologize..."


"Yes  I  do! For  every thing! For  destroying your  guys  house  Matts  face  Edds  pride  and  your  arm  and  alcoholic problems!!"

They  stood  there  eye  to  eye  Tom  sighed  and  picked  up his  chon  and  smiled. "If  I  did  hate  you  then  why  would  I  be  doing.... This?"

Tom  lips  crashed  on  to  Tords  quivering ones. Tord  was  shocked  at  first  but  returned to  favor. Their  tounges  were  in  a  wrestling ring where  each  one  tries  to  fight  for  domanice. Tords  tounge  gave  up  and  lets  Toms  spin  around  his  mouth  like  a  carousel. Over  and  over  until they  couldn't breath  and  released their  mouths leaving  a  trail  of  saliva  running  down their  lips  as  they  pant  from  the  training  their  mouths  were  doing. Tord  wished  it  would  of  lasted longer. Tom  then  spoke  nervously.

" you  want  to  date?"

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