Tessa Comes Back

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Phil's POV
Phil: I'm glad you dumped her it's only been a day and you already seem happier
Dan: Yeah I am happier
Phil: Good
Phil's Text History
Tessa: You are responsible for it aren't you
Phil: What?
Tessa: Your the reason Dan broke up with me isn't it?!?!
Phil: No
Tessa: Your lying you, never liked our relationship
Phil: Fine!!! I did talk him into it but you abused him
Tessa: You'll regret it
Phil: Just leave us alone please
Tessa: We'll see
-Dan grabs Phil's phone-
Dan: Why are you threatening Phil?
Tessa: He made you brake up with me
Dan: Well you did abuse me and knocked him out
Tessa: You two are so over-dramatic

Dan: Whatever don't pay attention to her
Phil: Okay
Dan: Just if she texts you don't answer
Phil: Will do
-7:30 a.m.-
Phil wakes up from a bang comeing from the lounge
Phil: What the?
-Phil walks into the lounge and find a note that says: I told you would regret it... You will see what I mean at 10:30 a.m. Sharp
Phil: DAN!!! GET IN HERE!!!
Dan: What is it Phil?!?! -coming into the lounge-
Phil: Read this
Dan: Oh gosh.
Phil: We can only wait I guess
10:29 a.m.
Dan: We have been on the edge of our seat since 7:30 now we will see what she means
Phil: Yeah
-One minute later-
Dan: I'm getting thousands of tweets
Phil: Well how come I'm not
Dan: It's not about Phan I guess
Phil: What do the tweets say?
Dan: Exposing the real Dan Howell?
Phil: What?
-Phil Texts-
Tessa: Told you
Phil: Why did you do this?
Tessa: For revenge.
Phil: He broke up with you and now your gonna ruin his life?!?!
Tessa: Pretty much
Phil: So petty
Tessa: Your next Phillip Lester
Phil: You have no dirt on me
Tessa: Don't I?
Phil: You honestly don't.
Tessa: Tommorow same time. Same channel

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