Chapter 17 (The real thing)

Start from the beginning

Monday: I wasn't looking forward to this. I was still hurt 'bout the event last Saturday night. I could still recall the moments and the feelings I felt. But again I am trying to handle it calmly. It's lunch time and Grace texted me "At the gym! Wanna hang out?" I felt like going to the gym but first I passed by the playground I saw Ellie running up to me and she gave me a massive hug, she tied her hair up and I saw her playing with other year 7s.

'Hi Ellie!' I greeted her

'Savanna! I have friends now!' She boasted

'Good for you dear!' I answered

'All because of you! I gained confidence!' She said

I gave her a hug, 'Ellie, I need some confidence myself. I'll catch you later sweetie!' I gave Ellie a goodbye hug and went to the gym.

When I went to the gym I realise that there was a game, I entered the gym and sat next to Grace and David. It was so boring, Ryan was playing though Anthony was with Natasha flirting around. Gosh Natasha looks like a tart. While Anthony, well he looks like an asshole as he is. The game finished as usual the 'All stars' won over the 'Basketball league'. They host stuff like this every single month. Aren't they getting bored? After the teachers, coaches and the 'Basketball league' left Ryan wanted to make an announcement which was unusual since he's a shy type.

'If you would just listen for me for this second please!' He pleaded

Everyone grew silent and silent. Everyone's ears are on him.

'Thank you. This might not interest you but this may be my future. This might be something that would inspire me and I would love it if everybody cooperated. You see a couple of months ago an angel came into our school' He explained everyone started laughing and so did I, it was kind of funny and I must admit cute 'Ha-ha, funny but yes. She changed my whole structure. I became her slave. I would do anything just for her to notice me. I would like to describe that girl as the nicest person I've met. She's perfect. She loves to smile and she's the strongest woman I've known. She has been bullied, crush by love and controlled. But I want her to feel special' He stopped everyone has their 'Aww' faces on then he approached the stairs which leads to the benches where we were sitting 'Now this girl is special. Do you want to know who this girl is?' He asked, he came near to us and pulled out a rolled up poster in his hand. He let it fall and revealed what's inside it read "Savanna Nicholas. Will you be mine?" in big bold black letters. It was massive that even an ant in the end of the gym could read it. I didn't know what to say. I'm in shock.

'Hey wait! You cant ask my girlfriend out! Savanna is mine' Anthony shouted across the room

I became furious, I didn't want to answer back so I stood up and gave Ryan a kiss. Everyone started clapping, some was even whistling. It was so romantic then as a crazy asshole he is Anthony wanted to make a scene

'Get off my lady you retarded prick!'

I couldn't take it any more so I shouted back 'I was never yours Anthony. You and Natasha can live a happy life. I don't care!'

Anthony ran out of the room and when Natasha tried to chase him he pushed her away. I smiled and looked at Ryan

'This is the first time I kissed you without me getting slapped or punch' He whispered

I kissed him again and whispered 'And that's the second time'

He looked at me and smiled, David and Grace jumped up and hugged both of us. Then Taylor approached us and picked up Ryan's poster. He folded the Savanna bit and held the 'will you be mine' bit. Then he came up to Grace and smiled. Everyone's eyes in now on Grace. I looked at Allison and I saw that she's furious. The 'circle of Vanessa' was also furious. They don't want me to be happy but I am and I will be as long as I ignore them. Grace wanted to say no but I know that she is in love with Taylor. She looked at me and I gave her the 'Say yes idiot' look. She smiled then hugged Taylor. I looked back at Allison then Toby approached Allison. They started talking then Toby held Allison's hand. I think there might be something between this two. Everyone left me and Ryan, David, Grace and Taylor walked down the stairs then the 'Circle of Vanessa' went down too with Toby. Vanessa came up to me.

'You're cool Nicholas' Vanessa said looking down

'So are you. I'm so-' I said but She cutted me off

'No Savanna, we're sorry. Right girls?' She asked

Everyone nodded and they gave me a group hug.

'Stop being so gloomy guys. It's 3 days from the Christmas break! Be happy!' I said

Everyone started laughing then Kenneth went into the gym, he came near Vanessa.

'Since everyone has been admiting their feelings, I think it's only appropriate for me to tell you how I feel. I've been in love with you every since year 8 Vanessa' Kenneth said

'I love you to Kenneth. I've been waiting for this moment!' Vanessa replied

Kenneth's face lightened up. He gave Vanessa a hug and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

This day could never be better. Oops, I'm wrong. Allison went near Grace.

'Grace?' She asked

'What? Please don't pull my hair' Grace answered

'No silly' She chuckled 'I'm sorry'

Grace smiled and gave her a hug 'I'm sorry too!'

'I miss you Gracie love' She said hugging Grace

'I miss you too Allison'

Yup, this day is the best day of my entire life. This day is when the change happen. The change of my life.

Ryan held my hand and we walked out of the Gym happily.

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