Chapter 12

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A few months of investigating who 'M' was wasn't an easy task. Vlad searched through all of his contacts, including his yearbook, and never found any friends that he once had in college who's name started with the letter 'M'; of course, he also didn't have that many friends either.

He closed his yearbook, it not helping his investigation, and stood up then looked at the clock, sighing when he remembered he was supposed to be at work in thirty minutes. He walked towards the door, straightening his bow tie, then over to Elizabeth's room, wanting to check on her before he left.

He opened her bedroom door and peeked his head in, spotting the new nanny he hired rocking her as Elizabeth teethed on her frog teething toy. Soft sounds escaped the seven month old's lips as she teethed, trying to push the toy further into her mouth but unable to because of how big it was.

He cleared his throat, earning the nanny's attention. "I'm heading off to work. I'll be back in a couple of hours, Mrs. Robinson," he informed.

She smiled. "And I'll be here with your adorable daughter, Mr. Masters," she replied.

"Call if something happens."

She nodded. "Of course."

He nodded once then closed the door, leaving the new nanny alone with his daughter.


"No, no, no," Vlad disagreed, talking to one of the bank manager's for the company over the phone, "judging by how much money the company has secured in the last few months, I believe we have the opportunity to expand our business."

"I know you're making a lot of money but that's not the problem," the manager responded, his southern voice high in pitch, "the problem is where you've selected you wanted to expand your business."

"What's wrong with expanding it to Illinois?" He narrowed his eyes. "I don't see a problem with that."

"The problem is that your company isn't nearly as popular with the state to expand to another state and when you don't have enough popularity-?"

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes in frustration. "You don't sell enough of your products."

"And what happens when you can't sell enough of your products?"

He clenched his fist as well as the phone he was holding. "You won't acquire enough money to pay for the store."


He glared. "And you won't be able to pay your employees."

"Exactly. If you would choose someplace here in Wisconsin, then you could gain more popularity and then expand to other states."

He sighed again, this time in annoyance. "And how long would that take?"

"Well." He listened as he heard some papers shuffling on the other line. "Judging by the sales of your products and if you'd open a new company, I'd say in another few years."

"A few years?" He narrowed his eyes and stood up then pounded his fist on the desk, causing a pen to roll off of it. "I need it to happen faster than that!"

"Sorry, Mr. Masters, but it's because of your sales that you're unable to expand to other states."

He sighed, it more in disappointment than in despair, and sat back down in his chair, slouching. "I have to wait then?"

"For at least a few years. After that much time has passed, we'll see where your company is at."

He nodded once, pursing his lips. "Very well." He glanced at the clock, noticing it was half past four in the afternoon. "Well, I should be going. Have a good day."

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