"So, you," Calum mutters. "A lot of you."

Luke shoots him a glare and they drive in silence. The church is a big, brick building with cars nicer than Luke's filling the parking lot. Everyone walking towards the door is dressed nicely, hair perfect, all blatantly attractive and straight. Calum's bored just looking at them. His disgusted face gets a snort of amusement out of Luke.

Luke parks the car and shuts it off, then glances around. He leans in when he decides no one is watching them and whispers, "If anyone asks, you're my cousin from Texas."

"We look nothing alike," Calum pulls on the door handle, but it's still locked. "Why are you whispering? We're in an enclosed car and no one's even near us."

"These people know everything," Luke peers out the front windshield, then forcefully shrinks in his seat when he sees someone walking a few meters away.

"You're giving these people a lot of credit," Calum sighs at him. "I doubt they give a fuck about you, Luke. I really doubt they'll give a fuck about me. Why would they?"

"Gossip," Luke mumbles.

Calum rolls his eyes and pulls on the still locked door handle again. Damn Luke and his fancy car with no unlocking button on the passenger door. "I think you care too much about what the people around you think. They probably won't even be looking at you, Luke. Open the doors."

Luke doesn't move. He flicks his eyes over and frowns at Calum sadly. "Look, I know you-" he lowers his voice even more, so Calum barely hears him. "You broke up with me, or whatever, but- can you please, like, be civil? And not defensive and rude? Please?"

"What are they going to do, gossip about Luke Hemmings not getting along with his totally Heterosexual cousin?" Calum scoffs.

Luke shrinks even further in his seat. "Yes."

Calum rolls his eyes again and leans over Luke to press the unlock button. Luke's a rich boy, be probably always thinks everyone's looking at and talking about him. There's no way this place can be as bad as he's making it out to be. Besides, it's a church. Love thy neighbor and all that garbage.

Calum shoves open his door, climbs out, and slams it shut behind him. It's a pretty long walk to the building, weaving through isles packed with expensive cars, so Calum pauses to pull out his pack of cigarettes. Luke's on him in a second to rip it away and glance around in complete horror.

"Do you carry that crap on you?" He hisses, like Calum having a single cigarette would be the scandal of the year. Calum shrugs at him, so Luke tosses the pack under a nearby car. Before Calum can protest or grab them again, Luke's hurrying him along with a friendly hand clamped harshly on his shoulder.

"You owe me," Calum squirms until he lets go. "Fuck you, Luke."

"Calum," Luke looks completely terrified, eyes wide and face paler than usual, when Calum glances at him. He still likes Luke enough that he shuts his mouth and follows along behind him with only a small scowl. When they reach the doors, Luke shoots him a warning glare and ushers him inside.

They wind up in a big, yellow room with high ceilings and giant windows to the left. A hallway leads past the stairs, while a few doors to their right open into the actual church part, rows upon rows of wooden pew and a million crosses.

Calum's pulls out his phone and snaps a picture, then sends it to Michael with no context.

As soon as Luke looks away from nervously eyeing the people gathered in clumps in the room and spots the phone, he rips it away and frantically holds the power button. "What are you doing?" He whispers harshly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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