Part 2: Neon

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"Pre, I need you to search the name Grim associated with demons. Pull up every lead with reference to a false glow. He's lying and stealing innocent lives. We need to find him." Forecast said. As he took off his mask, showing his straight but handsome jawline and a stubble beard that would have most men envious. His eyes were a dark warm brown along with vibrant tan skin with messy brown hair from the mask.

"You should cut the rest of that beard, you look like an old man." Prediction laughed out while searching for results.

"This beard symbolizes hard work Kiya, plus I know someone who actually likes it." He says looking into a mirror in front of him, his silver eyes gleaming with pride.

"I still can't believe you managed to get us our own base. I bet you took it from someone." She starts to say under her breath.

The base was an underground war bunker that had been abandoned, as Forecast walked around, you could see the upgraded computers on the military grade metal covering the old walls. He walked past the black SUV that occupied a spinning platform.

"No I didn't steal the base, I found it destroyed. Now the other pricey items I got from a few contacts so don't worry about it too much." Forecast explained while taking off his gauntlets and messing with them.

"Cast, I think you are forgetting something or should I say someone?" Kiya said staring at Cast, still wearing her mask.

"Aren't you going to take that think off now?" Forecast asked trying to think what she meant by her comment.

"I have some things I need to take care of. I've already seen the outcome, so no need to worry about me." Kiya told him with a serious tone." Oh yeah, you forgot about your date Cast."

"Oh no, I forgot!" Cast yelled.

Cast started rushing to find something to put on. All he could find is a white button down shirt, black tie, blue dress pants and black shoes

"Ugh, this'll have to work. How do I look Kiya?" He asked nervously.

"Tacky." She giggled a little." You better hope she likes tacky. You have like 20 minutes."

"Shi..!" Forecast's dialogue trailing as he ran.

 He runs to the SUV, he takes the keys out of the glove compartment, cranks up the SUV, and then exits through a secret exit that lowers back down to look like a bolder.

Forecast drove into the city as fast as he could, but he was still late. He raced through the neon lit city under the shine of a beautiful moon. The buildings were tall and bright enough not to need street lights. The roads felt smooth as he tried his best to avoid the parked cars on the dark blue neon lit streets. Pulling up to a news building, he spots a beautiful brown colored woman. She's wearing a long white dress that stops to her silver open toed heels. The top of her dress hung off of both shoulders to capture how pretty she actually was. She wore a clear lip gloss and sported long beautiful onyx black hair and a face that will leave you star struck. Forecast pulled up to the curb, parked, then stepped out of the vehicle.

"Wow." Is all Forecast could utter out.

"I really do hope that is a good thing." The beautiful woman said as her lipgloss covered, soft lips curled into a smile..

"Yes, I'm sorry. You look amazing." Forecast said, still staring .

"Thank you Marcus that almost made up for you being late." The well dressed, petite beautiful woman said messing with Forecast's collared shirt.

She sent chills down his back every time she got close to him. He could smell the lavender perfume which sent him reeling. Her black studded dress sparkled from the shine of the moons above, absorbing Forecast in her shine. 

"So are we going to get into the car or what?" She said seductively.

"Yes!" Cast said snapping out of the trance she puts him in.

Forecast opened the passenger door for the beautiful woman and closed it. As he gets into the car he locks eyes with her, he could feel how happy she'd already made him feel and he can't explain why. She started to giggle at the jokes he made, comment on things she liked about him, she looked interested at everything he'd said to her. They rode through the brightly lid city laughing and sharing theirs lives with each other, except the part about being a hero. Cast pulled up to a restaurant and helped the beautiful woman out of the car and into the restaurant where they had reservations. The restaurant had different types of lights hanging from the ceiling. There where crystal like lights, circular quartz lights, metallic candle lights and all sorts of different types that were just too many to count. The floors were the perfect tone of white marble, the tables were black and lit with a small scented candle and the chairs the same color as the table, but lightly padded for comfort. There were a few people there, which Cast didn't mind since it wasn't too bright. Cast and his date sat at their table and continued to talk.

"I honestly can't remember why I decided to take that class, I had no interest in being an actress." The woman continued enjoying herself.

"Here are your menus, what type of drinks would you two like?" The waiter asked." Wait, aren't you Lucille Powers!"

"Yes, I thought I was being incognito tonight!" She giggled aloud.

"I'm a huge fan!" The waiter said with so much eagerness it made Cast uneasy.

"Thank you, I'm really thankful for your following." She said as nicely as possible. "You were asking what type of drinks we wanted."

"Oh yes, what would you two like?" The waiter said looking only at Lucille.

"I'd like water please." Forecast said, breaking his silence.

"I'd like wine please." Lucille requested.

"Right away." The waiter hurried away.

The two began to talk again, laughing once again and getting closer. Forecast took his time with his steak he ordered, like the food didn't even matter at that time. The only thing he cared about was listening to Lucille. There was something about Lucille that kept him wondering for weeks and he could never figure it out.

"This was amazing." Lucille said grabbing Casts hands from across the table.

"You made this night special." Cast said as he called for the check and then paying for it.

Forecast led her back to the car with each other holding hands. They stopped in front of the car and slowly pulled each other closer before embracing each other with a meaningful kiss. This kiss made Forecast feel something he thought wouldn't happen again, affection.

"Again, thank you." She whispers while still close to his lips.

Your soul will be mine too!

"What?" Forecast asked looking confused at Lucille.

"I said I have work tomorrow, so could you take me home." Lucille asked smiling and holding Forecast's hands.

"Oh, yeah." He said as he walked over to her door to open it for her before getting in himself.

Forecast couldn't stop thinking about what he knew he heard.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow Marcus!" Lucille said after giving him a kiss then exiting the car.

Cast couldn't get the sentence out of his head. Over and over it played, is she... Was she... What's going on?" He asked himself driving back to the base. He drove through the secret entrance and parked the car.

"Pre! Are you here?" Forecast shouted.

"Yes, yes I'm here no need to shout." She said as she walked into the vehicle area. "How was the date?"

"It was great, all the way until the very end." Forecast talked as they left the vehicles and went and sat next to the computers. "Your soul will be mine too. That's what I heard, I don't know if it's from her or that demon playing with my head."

"There is one problem I see with this whole situation. I don't see Lucille in your future anymore."

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