Chapter 23

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    When Freya came the next morning, she shut Ryder in his room so she could help Juliet try on the dress, because she wanted to surprise him. All he could hear were muffled ows and a few gasps. After almost an hour, his door opened again. Juliet grinned at him, back in her leggings and loose top that she'd been wearing before.

     He smiled back at her and took her hand. "I have a surprise for you," He told her quietly, lacing his fingers through hers and pulling her towards the door.

     "What?" She lagged behind slightly as he moved through the door. "I don't like surprises."

     He stopped, turned, and kissed the tip of her nose. "Too bad."

     "Is this for my birthday?" She asked. "How did you have time to get me a surprise?"

     "I'm talented that way," He answered, before stopping in the middle of the room that led to the main part of the castle. "I need you to put this on," He said, pulling out a blindfold he'd fashioned out of one of his old shirts. 

     She raised an eyebrow and took a half step back. "Uh..."

     "Do you trust me?" He held out the blindfold, and slowly, she looked up and nodded, turning around to let him tie the blindfold around her eyes. "Can you see anything?"

     "No," She replied. "Don't run me in to a wall."

     "Why would I do that?" He asked, taking her hand again and starting down the hall quickly.

     "Because I ran you into a wall when you were carrying my books."
    Laughing, he stopped in front of the door to one of the music rooms and opened it. "I'd forgotten about that—thanks for reminding me."

     She frowned slightly as he pulled her through and positioned her in the center of the room. "Where are we?"

     "That would ruin the surprise." He kissed her cheek quickly. "Now, stand right there and don't move."
    She crossed her arms, her frown deepening. Ryder grinned again and moved over to the piano, pulling the bench out as quietly as he could. The lid was already open, revealing a row of gleaming white and black keys.

     He cracked his fingers, put his feet over the pedals, and paused, staring at the familiar colors. He hadn't played in years—ever since Lucinda left him, actually. He should have practiced before he played for Juliet, but—too late to go back now.

     Carefully, he lowered his fingers into position. The keys were smooth under his fingertips, and something in his chest caught. He used to love playing—his brothers never made fun of him, only sat by the piano with wide eyes until he was finished, then gruffly told him it was all right.

     "Are you going to put a snake in my hands?" Juliet asked, breaking Ryder from his memories.

     "No, hang on."

     He took a deep breath and started to play.

     His fingers got into rhythm almost immediately, as if he'd just played yesterday instead of years ago. He watched for a moment just to be sure he had his fingers in position, and looked up at Juliet without stopping the melody.

     She'd uncrossed her arms, and her mouth was parted slightly. When he started playing the harmony part, she slowly reached up and removed the blindfold, letting it drop forgotten on the floor. Her eyes were lined with silver as she took a step forward, then another, never breaking his gaze.

     The music crescendoed, and Ryder dove into the next part. It had caught him, and he could suddenly vividly remember why he loved to play. It was the look on Juliet's face—utter peace and awe. 

     She didn't move as he entered the finale, his fingers flying over the keys. The music filled the room until there was nothing else, and then he hit the last note. It hung in the air for a moment, and Ryder let his hands slip from the keys. His heart had sped up sometime during his playing, and now he took another deep breath to calm it.

     Juliet approached him slowly, her eyes never leaving his face. "That was..." She swallowed, a small smile tugging at her mouth. "That was amazing," She whispered, leaning down to kiss him.

     He grinned as she pulled back a little bit, her hair falling in his face. "It was okay? I haven't played in years."

     "That was the most incredible thing I've ever heard."

     "Happy birthday, Jett." He took her face in his hands, pulling her mouth down to his. He felt her giggle, and then they both shifted so Ryder had his back to the piano. She kissed him again, sliding her hands around his neck, and then something shifted in their mood. It had been light, happy—and now it was something deeper, more passionate.

     He let go of her face to grab the back of her thighs and pulled her forward, her knees landing on either side of his legs so she kneeled over him. He moved his hands slowly up, reaching her hips where he stopped, gripping them tightly. Her fingers caught the bottom of his hair, curling around it, and a thrill went through Ryder at the feeling.

     She arched slightly against him, pushing him back, and his back hit the piano, making the keys let out a deafening crash.

     They broke apart, breathing hard and staring at each other. He watched her lips as she slowly bit her lower one. 

     "Not here," She whispered, letting her hands drop to her sides. "And not today—we have a ball to get ready for."

     He let go of her hips slowly and gave her his most wicked grin. "What about after the ball, then?"

     Laughing, she carefully stood up. "We'll see," she teased. "I'd like to see you try and figure out my corset."

     He chuckled, trying to ignore the rush that went through at him at the thought. "I'm sure I could manage."

     "Without ripping it?"

     "I never said that."

     They started to walk back to her room, both of them sneaking secret grins at each other. The servants in the hallway didn't glance twice at them, which Ryder hoped meant they hadn't heard the music coming from the music room.

     "Thank you," Juliet said suddenly. "That was the best present I've ever gotten."

     "Don't expect to get it a lot." He opened the door for her smoothly. "It's your birthday."
    "Do I have to wait a year?"
    He tilted his head to the side. "Are we talking about the music or the kissing?"
    "Very funny." She shook her head, but he could see the grin on her face as she started digging through her books.

Thanks for reading! Just a psa there are only four more chapters after this one :)

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