Chapter 4

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"We don't really talk about her," Krow, Ryder's fellow guard, replied to Ryder's question. "The queen is off-limits."

"She's crazy," Ryder said, leaning back in his chair. They were in their barracks later that night for a late supper, and Ryder was prying Krow for information.

"Oh, everyone knows that. That's why Clarisse is queen regent—the real queen isn't mentally stable enough for the job. Did she talk to you?"

Ryder nodded. "She told me there was a rat in her soup, and then told me about rat eggs."

Krow snorted, draining his glass of ale. "Nice. We're supposed to ignore her—I guess they forgot to tell you that when you came. Ignore when she talks crazy, and she'll eventually stop."

Ryder frowned. "Is that good for her? Does she...does she have people to talk to?"

Snorting again, Krow slammed his glass on the table. "We're just guards, man. Not our place to worry about a mad queen." he stood, collecting his dishes. "I'm going to turn in for the night. See you tomorrow."

Ryder nodded in reply as Krow vanished. He gazed at the table in front of him, thinking of the queen's broken eyes as she stared up at him.

The queen was always flitting. Quick, quiet steps that moved her carefully from room to room as she avoided everyone—everyone but him.

It was a music performance the next time he saw her from his post by the door. She maneuvered her way to him casually, looking for all the world like she was avoiding furniture to stand by the window. She didn't turn to him, as if she knew that he'd get in trouble for socializing while on duty.

"Enjoying the performance?" She asked lightly, leaning against the glass window.

"Yes, Your Majesty." His eyes were fixed on where Lady Bevile was sampling a set of cookies.

"I rather hate it," The queen said casually. "I think they've all got frozen faces."

Ryder didn't reply. The commander had warned him the day after the banquet not to speak to the queen—Krow had probably mentioned it—and Ryder didn't want to get into any trouble.

The queen sighed. "They told you to ignore me, didn't they." Her words were quiet, resigned. "I wish they hadn't. You were the only one who listened to me about the rats." Another sad sigh. "Thank you for telling me about the rat eggs, sir."

He didn't say anything as she moved away, her shoulders slumped just the slightest bit as she left the room. No one followed her—something that made him grit his teeth. Crazy or not, she was the queen—the highest member of the royal court. She should have someone following her at all times—she should have seven guards on her at all times. Yet no one trailed her.

Lady Bevile trilled a light laugh, and Ryder sighed through his nose. It was going to be a long day.

He escorted the Lady to her personal residence in the city that night and left her at the door—her house guards would take over—to take the walk back to the palace alone. He was warring with himself. His father had taught him honor and discipline from a very young age, and now those two things weren't agreeing. The queen needed someone to watch her, but it wasn't his place to suggest anything to his commander, his superior.

But there had to be a reason that the queen was unguarded, something Ryder didn't understand. He sighed as he passed through the palace gates. He wouldn't say anything, not today.

Short chapter today. Thanks for reading anyways!!

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