Chapter 5

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"Good morning sleeping beauty." A gentle voice came from beside (F/N)'s ear. She rolled over, clutching the blanket tighter, yawning. "Go away..." She muttered the cellar floor seemed awfully soft today. Really soft, like a bed. And the blanket seemed thicker than hers. Her stepsisters wouldn't call her sleeping beauty, and definitely not in Makoto's voice, that was impossible....Her eyes snapped opened. Makoto. She shot upright scaring Makoto who was flung back into his wooden chair "Woah!" He exclaimed "Where's the fire?" She looked around frantically. She was at Mr. Longhead's house. In the spare room. She let a sigh of relief and flopped back down onto the bed.

"No fire then? Good, I was worried for a moment there." Makoto said grinning at her. She looked over at him. His clothes had changed to brown leather boots, light brown trousers, a silk hunter green shirt, and a long dark brown jacket with golden buttons and a high collar that was unbuttoned showing his shirt. She frowned at him, sitting up again. "How did I get to Mr. Longhead's? Weren't we at the dance? What are you doing here? What time is it?" "I carried you here, we were at the dance but you fell asleep, and I didn't wake you up so Mr. Longhead said I could let you sleep here for the night, I went home for the night then came back to see if you still here, and it's...." He looked over at the clock on the wall "5 o'clock in the morning." He said turning back to her.

"5 o'clock!" She screeched, flinging the covers off before racing across the room to the door. "Is there another fire?" He asked sprinting after her. She ripped the door opened and flew down the stairs. "Thanks for letting me stay Mr. Longhead!" She yelled as she burst through the door, Makoto right behind her. "No problem (F/N)!" He yelled back "Any particular reason why we're running?" Makoto asked as they raced through the streets "I have to get back before my..... mistress does." She puffed "Got it." Makoto replied as they continued on.

They made it to the mansion a few minutes later. (F/N) bent over, gasping for breath. She raised a hand and wiped sweat of her forehead. The carriage wasn't outside the house. It looked like she'd made it. Makoto looked up at the mansion, hands on his hips. He hadn't even broken a sweat from their run. "Duchess (L/N) huh? Is she your mistress?" (Her father was a duke remember so when she married her father she became a duchess) (F/N)'s heart stopped. How did he know who she was? "How....How do you know her?" She asked. Makoto shrugged "My dad kind of knows everyone. He mentioned who lived here once we passed by one time." He replied.

"Right." (F/N) wheezed "She'll probably come back soon, so you should go." (F/N) said quickly, moving closer to him. Makoto frowned at her "Why do I have to go? Can't I just stay?" He asked moving towards her. (F/N) looked around anxiously "Thanks so much for bringing me to Mr. Longhead's, but please, if she sees me with a guy she'll kill me." (F/N) said Makoto took a step closer to her. "What's wrong with you having a guy?" He asked. They were now only centimeters apart. (F/N) once again thought of how attractive he was. (F/N) heard the faint sound of galloping, and looked up to see her stepmother's carriage approaching at the end of the road. Her eyes grew wide.

"Please." She hissed to Makoto "You have to go." She looked so terrified of something. Makoto could see fear in her eyes. It was that convinced him to move away. "Fine." He sighed "But I'll be back (F/N). You can count on it." He said before turning and quickly hurrying away, the tails of his coat flapping about in the wind. Thank you......
(F/N) hurried to the doorstep and sat down. She quickly unclipped her beautiful necklace and hid it in her dress. If her stepmother saw it she would keep it for herself. The carriage pulled up, her stepmother's foot appeared and as soon as her slightly thin lipped mouth opened, (F/N) knew it would be a very long day.

(F/N) huffed in frustration, hissing through her teeth. She sat back on her knees, rubbed the layers of sweat off her forehead with the back of her hand. A few loose strands of sweaty hair dangled in her face, so she flipped them back. She glared at the black stain in front of her. Reagan just had to spill a whole pot of ink all over the good white rug didn't she? And of course, who had spent the pass 5 hours trying to scrub it out again while her stepsisters and stepmother were at another party? Her of course. The black stain seemed to leer at her, taunting her. (F/N) groaned loudly, flopping back on the cold wooden floor. She rubbed her face with her hands and sighed. "You look like you're having fun." A voice came from the doorway, scaring the living daylights out of her. She bolted up and twisted to see her brown haired man slyly smiling Makoto. He was wearing the same clothes as earlier. (F/N) could only squeak in utter shock. He grinned from where he was leaning casually against the door frame, arms folded across his chest.

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